Female Reproductive Tract
Broad Ligament suspends the female reproductive tract in the pelvic cavity has three portions
Ovary release ova- egg 50,000 - 150,000 potential eggs present at birth release hormones progesterone estrogen
Oviduct (fallopian tube) connect ovary to uterine horns
Oviduct three portions infundibulum ampulla isthmus
Oviduct ova remains in oviduct for 3-6 days 1/8 inch in diameter 20 cm. Long in a cow
Uterus passageway for sperm cells from cervix to oviduct produce histotroph - nourishes developing embryo until placenta forms expel fetus at parturition
Parturition birth
Uterus site of pregnancy
Cervix located between uterus and vagina forms a barrier between the internal and external environment thick walled, many ringed organ
Vagina point where urinary and reproductive tracts join receptacle for semen passageway for fetus
Vulva outer opening of reproductive tract
Clitoris sensory organ
Hormones estrogen progesterone FSH LH HCG
Estrogen produced by the follicle in non pregnant female and placenta in late pregnancy induce estrus - heat responsible for female contour
Estrogen develop duct system of mammary gland causes edema - retention of water increases muscle development
Progesterone hormone that keeps female out of heat relaxes uterus secretion of histotroph
FSH follicle stimulating hormone development of follicles on ovary ova are released from follicle
FSH indirectly responsible for estrogen production
LH Lutenizing hormone causes ovulation ova is released from the follicle
HCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin produced by the placenta of pregnant women early in pregnancy
HCG used on cows that are cystic - won’t ovulate causes ovulation
Ovulation release of ova from ovary follicle develops - blister on ovary follicle bursts - egg is released
Ovulation a hole is left where the ova was forms a C.L. (Corpus Luteum) - yellow body
C.L. produces progesterone if female becomes pregnant a new follicle does not burst and estrogen production is reduced
Gestation length of time from conception till birth cows - 281 days pigs - 114 days (3 mos, 3 weeks, 3 days) horses - 336 days
Gestation sheep - 148 days goats - 151 days