Development and Families Psychology 3196
It takes a village… Oh how nice, yes we all get together and raise the children communally… Umm, actually it takes a village of relatives – In the EEA we lived in family groups
Families Basically kin The idea of groups of relatives that stay together after sexual maturity Helpers at the nest Plus reciprocal altruism
Parent Offspring Conflict If there is investment, the offspring would like it to go on forever, the parents, eventually want to have more babies OK, look at this genetically, the mother and daughter/son share.5 of their genes At some point, the mother would be better served by having another child.
Parent offspring conflict The conflict continues until the parental cost = 2 x the benefits to the offspring Then, it is in the best interests of the parent and the kid to have another kid show up Not just the continuation of investment, but also the amount can be a bone of contention
Sibling rivalry Well you share.5 of your genes with your brother or sister, but 1.0 with yourself Monozygotic twins should be nicer to each other than dizygotic twins are Data are not too clear here
sharing Makes sense to teach your kids to be nice Especially to relatives However also to strangers in the right situation Good for you and your kids
Infanticide Depressing… Common practice If infant is not viable or if mother is very young, has little resources Again, please remember the naturalistic fallacy
Parental conflict Certainty of paternity Stepchildren More abuse to adopted kids We should be able to predict what the most common grounds for divorce are
Divorce Infidelity and infertility Cross cultural Best bet for both if there is either of these it to leave
Development Attachment Separation anxiety appears right where it ought to Why are kids kids? They have lots to learn – Social development – cognitive
Stop being such a baby Good that kids are the way they are Makes them practice Makes them proud of little accomplishments Basically self deception!
Social Clock Leaving, having kids, marrying etc Parents push kids out, usually Makes sense Grief for lost kids is greatest at about 11 or 12 Fits well with the EEA and NOT now
conclusions Our ideas about families and development need to be revamped Arguments can be understood with this perspective, perhaps help some people Kids are not little adults