Lesson 7: Insight activation and Idea Generation a starting point for innovation sept 2010
Creativity The innovation process in short Triple diamond process Insight activation Define the opportunity area Know your customer Idea generation Innovation Trends market info, competitor info etc Three times diverging and converging 2
Insight activation, what it is: From observations to insights Observations are the what, where, when Insights are the why Observations are the consequences Insights are the causes……………... Observations are the symptoms Insights are the diagnosis 3
Insights are the starting point of… 1.Product and service innovation 2.Product and service revitalisation (what conditions does the existing product or service have to meet) 3.Get to know your target group/customer (what are their drivers, what do they think is important?) 4
Process for Insight Activation What is the opportunity/ question? Team composition and clear briefing Assemble observations from old and new sources Turn observations into insights as a joint effort Idea generation (e.g. a pick and mix concept with mini snacks) e.g. develop a snack product for kids e.g. marketeer, financial, product developer, parent (embrace diversity) e.g. “I heard a kid say he wants to make his own choices” “I read that kids eat better when they have helped in making the dinner” e.g. “kids want to be involved” 5
Requirements for a good insight activation process 1.Multidisciplinary team: horizontally, vertically, resources from outside organisation 2.Use all available info and fill possible gaps with new information (e.g. research) 3.Start from observations (I saw, I heard, I read…) and make translations to insights later 4.Cluster observations to subjects 5.Cluster obtained insights to “mega” insights 6
What does insight activation deliver? 1.Based on rich information and facts, insights are jointly built! 2.Team building, working together on an issue by using everybody’s expertise 3.Knowledge creation: a very profound process, you really “work the matter” What I hear I forget, what I see I remember, what I do I know! -Confucius 4.Fun! 7
8 Idea generation (producing a torrent of opportunities) Opportunities Insight Ideas
9 Content: 8Theory about enlarging (quantity) and enhancing (quality) your ideas 8Practice 3 techniques
Creativity The innovation process as discussed before Triple diamond process Insight activation Define the opportunity area Know your customer Idea generation Innovation Trends market info, competitor info etc Three times diverging and converging
11 Some ideation methods: 8Brainstorming 8Creative thinking games 8Online – suggestion boxes With our without use of mind-map tools Available on application portal of Fontys
12 The innovation pipeline: Enlarging the pipeline (quantity of ideas ↑): 1.Involve many minds 2.Sow enough seeds 3.Widen the front end Enhance the pipeline (quality of ideas ↑) 4.Ideate using the insights 5.Increase combinations The following 5 tools will be discussed:
13 1: Involve many minds 8Ask different disciplines and different levels! 8Expect innovation from an exclusive R&D department but also ordinary employees 8Introduce an “idea-box” 8Ask other stakeholders (universities, web, contests, relatives of employees, communities like user platforms)
14 2: Sow enough seeds 8The arithmetic of innovation: only a fraction of the generated ideas will in the end lead to successful innovations = (“killer applications”) 8So in order to generate enough success, you will have to start with a lot of ideas.
15 3: Widen the front end (scope) Innovations can relate to: 8Product / Service 8Technology 8Organization / Social 8Cost cutting 8Processes (operational, BPR) 8Management (strategic planning) 8Business model 8Industry breakthrough (internet)
16 4: Ideate using the insights Combine the opportunities and the various insights (even if they seem opposite) OpportunityInsights - design a new and healthy product for a target group (08-14 year) - Focus on one opportunity! - Kids want to choose their own food - Parents want their kids to eat healthy Idea: a healthy pick and mix for kids
17 5: Increase the combinations Combine ideas to generate an even richer idea Example: Improve product descriptions in shops (a large information card attached to a product) Advantages: Customers want anonymous information. Customers want to be better informed Less personal costs needed for informing the customer
Some creativity techniques: Brainstorm Step in the shoes of… Six thinking hats 18
19 1: Brainstorm 8Generate an idea for the opportunity of your company (based on the POM model): for example develop a sustainable product. 8This idea should be based on the opportunity and on the insights
20 2: Step into the shoes of… 8Assignment: Generate again ideas as if you were: - a technical expert - a politician - an 8 year old kid - a senior - a housewife
21 3:Follow up with the 8Now we have several ideas. 8Select one and try to improve it by using the next technique: 6 thinking hats.
22 Technique 2: 6 Thinking hats in this order 8White:Calls for extra information 8Yellow:Optimistic, positive 8Black:Warning, difficulties 8Green:Creative thinking, add ideas 8Red:Emotion, subjective 8Blue:Plan the process
23 Attention points for this technique: 8Select the previous (final) idea 8Explain shortly every role again 8Define a chairman (time keeper) 8Apply every role by the whole group (about 3 minutes per role) 8Make notes 8Attention it is recommended to make comments on previous “hats” 8Report the results to class