1 3M Track and Trace Solutions Magellan MobileMapper 6
2 3M Track and Trace Solutions GPS data collection and navigation capabilities SBAS corrections activation and de-activation Raw data collection for post-processing Support for shapefile format for point, line and area Area and perimeter calculation Structured attribute information definition for each feature,including text, numeric, date, area, perimeter, picture or voice-tag attributes Digital camera - image association with a particular feature Support for raster data geo-referenced images in TIFF, JPEG and Bitmap formats Geo-referencing of raster images in the field Interface to cable locators (3M Dynatel) Navigation and guidance to an existing feature Pre-defined and user-defined /custom coordinate systems Microsoft ActiveSync for data transfer and synchronization with a PC platform MobileMapper 6
3 3M Track and Trace Solutions MM6 – MobileMapping Program Magellan ‘House Brand’ program Least expensive Post Processing accuracy 1-2 meters. Creates shapefiles w/o MM Office MM Office 6 for Post Processing only
4 3M Track and Trace Solutions Mobile Mapper 6 Pairing with Bluetooth Adaptor 1. Menu-Settings -Bluetooth 2. Click and hold ‘Add new Device’ 3. MM6 searches for BT adaptor (insure adaptor is turned on) 4. BT adaptor will show on screen5. Click on BT adaptor to highlight it Click on ‘Next’ at bottom right 6. Enter pairing code Click Next
5 3M Track and Trace Solutions Mobile Mapper 6 Pairing with Bluetooth Adaptor 8. Minimize keypad, Screen should now appear like this 7. Select Serial Port Click Finish 9. Select Mode tab at bottom Select ‘Turn on Bluetooth’ 10. Select COM Ports tab at bottom Click and hold on ‘New Outgoing Port’ 11. Select BT adaptor, click Next12. Select COM 6, do not select Secure Connection
6 3M Track and Trace Solutions Mobile Mapper 6 Create destination directory 1. Launch File Explorer 2. Click and hold on Storage Card 3. Select ‘New Folder’4. Select ‘New Folder’
7 3M Track and Trace Solutions Mobile Mapper 6 Configure Dynatel Locator as External Device 1. Launch Mobile Mapping Program2. Select ‘Menu’ – ‘Options’ 3. Scroll to External Device tab on far right. Select 3M Dynatel Locator Port - COM 6, 4800 Baud
8 3M Track and Trace Solutions Mobile Mapper 6 3. Enter File Name 4. Name of Folder to save to 5. Location : Storage card 2. Menu - New1. Launch Mobile Mapping Create New Mapping Job
9 3M Track and Trace Solutions MM6 Procedure Must Do’s Load MobileMapper today and set it so that the clock is automatically updated by the GPS signal Always perform a complete shut down of the MM6 by holding the on/off key for 5 seconds until the screen goes blank Settings-Power-Advanced’ Disable sleep mode in ‘ Settings-Power-Advanced’ Turn on Bluetooth adaptor before launching MobileMapping or Arcpad programs Menu- Exit Always exit the MobileMapping and Arcpad programs by the ‘ Menu- Exit ’ method vs. minimizing the program Save new layer in unique destination directory so you can find it later when doing customer demos Read the Manual !!!
10 3M Track and Trace Solutions MM6 Procedure Don’ts - Things to Avoid Don’t ever exit Arcpad or MobileMapping by clicking on the ‘x’ key in the upper right hand corner Don’t ever turn off the bluetooth adaptor while the application program is running Don’t turn off the GPS unit while it is in communication with the bluetooth adaptor (solid green light)
11 3M Track and Trace Solutions MM6 - Fixes Maximize MobileMapping prog. then exit it correctly (menu-exit) Then relaunch the program Power down GPS fully by pressing on/off button and holding it. Then power on. If communication is not re-established after launching MobileMapping program, verify COM port setup in Menu-Options-External Device If all else fails, turn everything completely off then turn everything completely on. Fixes (after you do a don’t)