The life of Edmund Ignatius Rice Part 2A ( ) “Success” and tragedy
The “successful” years
January 1789 After less than two years of marriage, Edmund’s wife died. This was reported in the following obituary notice in four Irish newspapers: “Died at Ballybricken the wife of Mr Rice”
Of a friend who had experienced similar loss Edmund later wrote: “May the Lord help her, she is now [in] the dregs of misery and misfortune. I pity the poor mother, it will break her heart.”
Edmund’s daughter, Mary
In pairs share you response to this stage in Edmund’s story. How might Edmund’s grief and the fact that he was now a single parent affect him?
Where to now? One can only imagine the depths of despair that Edmund now found himself in, even with the birth of a child. One can only surmise how this tragic loss changed the direction of his life.
We Pray Together Edmund rice once said: “Be intent on prayer and whatever may happen will turn to our good.” Loving God, grant us the strength to turn to you in prayer during times of grief and challenge. Live Jesus in our hearts: Forever!