Chinese Calligraphy A Microcosm of Culture, An Art Form par excellence San-pao Li, Ph.D. Department of Asian and Asian American Studies California State.


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Presentation transcript:

Chinese Calligraphy A Microcosm of Culture, An Art Form par excellence San-pao Li, Ph.D. Department of Asian and Asian American Studies California State University, Long Beach

2 Introduction Chinese calligraphy is widely recognized as a bona fide “fine art” Chinese calligraphy is perhaps the most culturally-rich form of direct artistic expression More than fair or elegant writing or penmanship Serves more than a linguistic purpose It is a highly sophisticated form of art

3 Sample Calligraphy Zhao Yong (Yuan)

4 Sample Calligraphy Yu Yue (Qing) fragrance antiquity/past

5 Introduction It adds an absorbing, visual element to the beauty of thought It is a national taste, a common aesthetic instinct nourished from childhood Used to express felicitations or condolences An immediate expression of the character and sensibility of the artist Was the passport to successful official career

6 Introduction Requires mental preparation -- quietude and serenity Requires mastery of literature Rigorous moral cultivation and fortitude “If the mind is upright, the brush strokes will be right.”

7 The Three Forms of Fine Art in Chinese Tradition Poetry Calligraphy Painting vs. Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture

8 Qualities of Fine Calligraphy The “strength of bone” Organic unity Rhythmic vitality

9 Qualities of Fine Calligraphy The “strength of bone” –the Yin and the Yang –opening and closing –void and solidity –front and back –rising and falling

10 Sample Calligraphy Wang Shimin (Ming)

11 Sample Calligraphy Jin Shi (Ming)

12 Sample Calligraphy Emperor Huizong (Song)

13 Sample Calligraphy Huai Su (Tang)

14 Qualities of Fine Calligraphy Organic Unity –Reflects the dynamism, grandeur, and limitlessness of the art of Chinese calligraphy

15 Sample Calligraphy Zheng Banqiao

16 Sample Calligraphy San-pao Li San-pao Li

17 Sample Calligraphy San-pao Li

18 Sample Calligraphy San-pao Li

19 Qualities of Fine Calligraphy Rhythmic Vitality –is of supreme significance –an abundance of very fine masterpieces that exemplify this essential quality

20 Sample Calligraphy Huai Su (Tang) Huai Su (Tang)

21 Sample Calligraphy Zhang Xu (Tang)

22 Sample Calligraphy Huang Tingjian (Song)

23 Sample Calligraphy Qi Baishi

24 Chinese Calligraphy as a “Fine Art” A spatial art form Linear arrangement and composition Structurally dynamic Most effective and direct medium of self-expression Uninhibited individual creativity Supreme form of visual art

25 Chinese Calligraphy is a Most Culturally-Rich Art Form It is history It is philosophy It is poetry It is literature It reveals the deepest emotions It reflects the social mores It manifests the ethos and values It captures the spirit of the time

26 Appreciation of Its Philosophical Profundity It fascinates It stimulates It motivates It inspires It enlightens It develops depth of character in learner

27 Roaming Leisurely in the Garden of Poetry “Wintry River in Snow” (Jiang Xue) “The Deer Park Hermitage” (Lu Zhai) “Farewell to Ling Che” (Song Ling Che) “The Maple Bridge” (Feng Qiao Ye Bo) etc.

28 The Notion of Aesthetics *The Platonic notion of the beautiful is hardly distinguishable from the good. *In the Chinese consciousness, the good must demonstrate order and harmony. *Harmonized state of contradictions, according to A. H. Muller ( ), represents the highest good. *Harmony is both an intrinsic quality of art and the sine qua non of real freedom.

29 The Notion of Aesthetics  Coincidentia Oppositorum  Reconciliation of the Opposites

30 The Notion of Aesthetics Beauty Goodness

31 Styles of Chinese Calligraphy A Sense of History The oracle bone style (jiaguwen) The bronze and stone drum inscriptions (zhongdingwen, shiguwen, dazhuan) The seal style (xiaozhuan) The clerical style (lishu-Hanli, Weibei) The running style (xingshu) The cursive style (caoshu) The modern styles (kaishu, shoujinti, tiexianzhuan, bafenshu, kuangcao, etc.)

32 Sample Calligraphy Oracle Bone

33 Sample Calligraphy Dong Zuobin

34 Sample Calligraphy Sanshipan (8th-Century B.C.

35 Sample Calligraphy Wu Changshuo

36 Sample Calligraphy Yishan Bei (Qin) Yishan Bei (Qin)

37 Sample Calligraphy Lu She (Ming) rocks brooks

38 Sample Calligraphy Zhao Mengfu (Yuan)

39 Sample Calligraphy Caoquanbei (Han) Caoquanbei (Han)

40 Sample Calligraphy Wang Xizhi (Jin) Wang Xizhi (Jin)

41 Sample Calligraphy Liu Gongquan (Tang) Liu Gongquan (Tang)

42 Sample Calligraphy Xuanzong (Tang)

43 Sample Calligraphy Yan Zhenqing (Tang)

44 Sample Calligraphy Mi Fei (Song)

45 Sample Calligraphy Huang Tingjian (Song)

46 Sample Calligraphy Wu Ju (Song) Your old residence was west of the North Bridge; The willow branches touch the clear water of the brook by the bridge, When I come to revisit, it appears to be beautifully and enigmatically quaint, The sun is warm, flowers sweet, and the mountain birds are singing incessantly.

47 Sample Calligraphy Su Shi (Song)

48 Sample Calligraphy Dong Qichang (Ming) Dong Qichang (Ming)

49 Sample Calligraphy Zheng Banqiao (Qing) Zheng Banqiao (Qing)

50 Sample Calligraphy Yin Bingshou (Qing)

51 Sample Calligraphy San-pao Li

52 Sample Calligraphy San-pao Li

53 Sample Calligraphy San-pao Li

54 Sample Calligraphy Xu Wei (Ming)

55 Prerequisites of a Serious Student Be conversant in the classics Be familiar with China’s rich poetic tradition Appropriate mental preparation and discipline Mastery of various calligraphic skills

56 The Approach to Fine Calligraphy Copy by tracing Copy in a free manner Imitation Develop spontaneously one’s own style, independent from all models.

57 The Approach to Fine Calligraphy Proficiency is attainable only to those who undergo rigid, rigorous, tedious, and long training, including self discipline and moral cultivation.

The Practice of Chinese Calligraphy Is a rigorous form of self- discipline and a delightful and fulfilling experience!

59 Chinese Calligraphy More than any other visual art, can reveal the Chinese mind and represent its aesthetic ideal The sublime and exquisite artistry displayed in Chinese calligraphy compels one to study and experience

60 Take Advantage of the Latest Computer Technologies Search the internet for relevant information and vast number of fine calligraphic specimen Use software (such as CyberChinese, Dabbler) to practice handwriting Fully exploit the availability of various fonts for copying and practice tailored for learner’s interest Explore multimedia capabilities for poem recitation and individualized instruction