Designed by teachers for teachers A Jigsaw Class To accelerate learning2learn Architect? Astronaut? Writer? Concert Pianist? Psychologist? Entrepreneur? What are a child’s special future talents?
Designed by teachers for teachers Topic Accelerating learning using nine multiple intelligences Linguistic Visual-spatial Bodily-Kinaesthetic Natural Musical Intra-personal Moral-Existential Inter-personal Logical-mathematical
Designed by teachers for teachers What is a Jigsaw Class? A class is split into small groups Each group researches their topic (or piece of the Jigsaw) Each group becomes an expert-group for their topic and present their knowledge to the wider- class-group The separate pieces fit together to make a complete lesson in which the participants effectively teach, assess and evaluate each other
Designed by teachers for teachers Method Split the class into groups of about three or four students Allocate a specific topic (based on one of the nine multiple intelligences) to each group, i.e. one group may be given the topic of bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence. Each team becomes an expert-group for their particular topic (Linguistic, visual spatial etc), and impart their knowledge to the wider-class-group via a presentation, revision pack and interactive quiz In the interests of fairness you may wish to choose topics from a lucky dip bag containing nine cards (Inter- personal, Musical) etc before allocating them to the groups
Designed by teachers for teachers Team Leader Each team elects a team leader who has overall responsibility for ensuring that all of the required outputs are delivered to schedule The team leader allocates tasks (see next slide) to the team members based on the strengths of each individual
Designed by teachers for teachers Outputs – Each team must provide a lesson containing… A PowerPoint presentation on their allocated topic The presentation must contain specific lesson objectives and outcomes It must cover all aspects of the topic Complimentary slide handouts (3 to a page format) so that the audience can make their own supplementary notes as the presentation progresses A set of revision notes (one for each member of the audience) including a synopsis of the topic and ways that the particular intelligence can be used to improve memory techniques An original interactive learning resource (i.e. a quiz) designed on software of their own choice (previous candidates have used Excel, Word, PPT, Hot Potatoes, Flash etc) A set of evaluation sheets so that each member of the audience can contribute positive comments on the content and delivery of each presentation
Designed by teachers for teachers Team Members Each team will need Internet researchers, quiz makers, PowerPoint designers, and presenters It may be useful for students to use a six- week Gantt Chart to keep track of progress This file is located in the Teacher resources/Assessment folder
Designed by teachers for teachers Team Members All team members must contribute equally to the production of materials, and take an equal part in the delivery of the final presentation. A pack of materials must be delivered to the tutor in good time so that all documents can be photocopied for each member of the wider-class- group. All files must be backed up to the drive of a second person on the team.
Designed by teachers for teachers Suggested Presentation Content Students should provide information on: A definition of the type of intelligence What professions or jobs are associated with this type of intelligence How can we identify this intelligence? Which famous people are associated with this intelligence? How can learning be improved with this particular type of intelligence? How can we develop this intelligence to improve it over time? How can we revise using this intelligence?
Designed by teachers for teachers Presentation Day On presentation day the teams must: Have the presentation ready before the start of the lesson Distribute a sufficient amount of photocopies and supplementary materials to the wider-class-group so that each participant leaves with a copy Make the interactive resource available on the public area so that it can be completed at the end of the session Collect and make use of the Evaluation Sheets
Designed by teachers for teachers Teachers Things to watch out for: Students watching other team members do all the work! Students absent on the day and no-one in the team having access to important files. A teacher backup, or allowing students to save work to a shared area may be desirable. Versions of the interactive quiz not working everywhere etc. Check the quizzes on a computer in the actual room you will be using. Photocopying not done to presentation deadlines. Students not taking the time to collect in the evaluation sheets and refine presentations as a result of peer feedback. Access to a functioning projector and whiteboard on presentation day.
Designed by teachers for teachers Teacher Resources All resources are included in the zip file: About the Jigsaw Class Starter and plenary activities Background theory on learning styles Complete information about the nine multiple intelligences Evaluation template Posters for the classroom
Designed by teachers for teachers The Zip File consists of: The PowerPoint Presentation A teacher resources folder containing: Additional resources Assessment Posters General revision A pupil resources folder containing: Starters The nine intelligences (complete information)
Designed by teachers for teachers Posters An environment that is conducive to learning is an essential feature of accelerated learning Create a brain-friendly environment with these attractive posters. Find more files like this in Teacher resources/Posters folder
Designed by teachers for teachers Starter Activity ‘Find someone who….’ Photocopy one worksheet per student Ask students to go around the room and ask other group members to complete the activities They must then sign the sheet to confirm that they have given information or completed skills. The person who completes the sheet (with all sections signed first) wins.
Designed by teachers for teachers Plenary Activities Plenary activities can be used in several ways: The walking gallery uses posters hung around the room. Pupils walk around and spend 5 minutes on each. They have to thought-shower ideas and activities for how they can use each intelligence to help with revision. They share ideas with each other to close the activity. Word match uses ‘How do you identify a particular type of intelligence’. Ask students to lay out the intelligences in a row and match the appropriate phrases to the right headings. ‘Lucky dip’ uses the same resource but students pick an intelligence from a bag and describe how they would use it without mentioning it’s name. Team members have to try and guess which of the intelligences are being described.
Designed by teachers for teachers Suggested Time plan This depends on how much information you provide for the students, and how much you let them research for themselves. All the materials that teachers and students need are provided in the resource pack. How much is released to students beforehand is up to each teacher. Tip: Release information to groups as the sessions progress to supplement research. This ensures that there is a good balance of self-researched and teacher-provided information One lesson might be a starter lesson to introduce the topic Two lessons might be researching the topics and creating the presentations (see useful web sites) A further two lessons could be presenting and performing the peer evaluations on each of the groups One lesson could be using the interactive quizzes that each group creates, and consolidating what has been learned using the additional resources folder i.e. ‘counting to ten in Japanese’ or ‘can you count?’ etc. Students print off the completed Gantt chart.
Designed by teachers for teachers Useful Web Sites class/mi/ 2class/mi/ ont/0,1156, ,00.htmlhttp:// ont/0,1156, ,00.html