Using ICT with Infants
Projects undertaken this term with Junior Infants Photo jigsaws Make a book Max’s map News on Video Electronic postcards with school in France E-twinned with a schools in Estonia and Finland Web sites
Photo jigsaw Use digital camera to take photo of each child in class Print each photo in A4 size Write child’s name on back in 6-8 places. Get class to identify each child from photograph. Laminate and cut into 6-8 pieces. First get each child to make his/her own jigsaw, then each child gets an opportunity to describe his/her picture-colour of hair, eyes etc. Vocabulary like lips, eyebrows, eyelids, eyelashes, cheeks etc to be encouraged.
When above activity has been completed each child takes a jigsaw belonging to another child in the class. When this is completed he/she has to identify the child in the jigsaw,introduce himself/ herself to that child and ask two or three questions eg Name, age etc. Later children will get a number of jigsaws mixed together. They will complete them and compare hair colour, eye colour etc When children are capable of writing labels can be made for each jigsaw.
Make a book Children collect a number of objects of the same colour. They describe the objects then take a digital photograph of each object. These pictures are printed and laminated. Text is composed and added to each picture. Text and pictures are bound into a book.
Max’s Map Children take Max ( Teddy who started school on same day as class!) on a tour around the school. Photographs are taken of various landmarks eg Principal’s Office, PE hall etc A map of the school is drawn and classrooms are identified and labeled. Photos are placed in correct places Children describe how to get from our classroom to Office using directional vocabulary turn left, go forward etc. ( Later drama) Each child creates a footprint which is cut out and laminated. These footprints are stuck onto wall on corridors to create a trail to office, yard, computer room etc.
Web sites language.html