Accountable Talk Malden Public Schools
What is Accountable Talk “Accountable talk sharpens students' thinking by reinforcing their ability to use and create knowledge. Teachers create the norms and skills of accountable talk in their classrooms by modeling appropriate forms of discussion and by questioning, probing, and leading conversations.” For example, teachers may press for clarification and explanation, require justifications of proposals and challenges, recognize and challenge misconceptions, demand evidence for claims and arguments, or interpret and "revoice" students' statements. Over time, students can be expected to carry out each of these conversational "moves" themselves in peer discussions. Read more… phtml phtml
Planning for Accountable Talk In order to recognize and support accountable talk, it is critical to focus on the activities and tasks that are carried along by the talk. It's impossible to identify "good" or "productive" or "accountable" talk without taking into consideration the goals, topics, and content of the lesson, and the relationship of the learners to each other and to the task at hand. For this reason, in thinking about and promoting accountable talk, we are always moving from purposes to activities to talk.
Organizing an Accountable Community Accountable talk is not something that springs spontaneously from students' mouths: accountable talk is jointly constructed by teachers and students, working together towards rigorous academic purposes in a thinking curriculum. It takes time and effort to create a classroom environment in which accountable talk is a valued norm. Organizing the community for accountable talk calls for designing activities and tasks in ways that support productive talk on the part of students. It requires teachers to guide and scaffold student participation. A range of talk formats, particular teacher moves, and norms for equitable and respectful participation have been shown to support accountable talk.
Types of Activities that Promote Accountable Talk Think Write Pair Share Silent Discussion Fishbowl Inside / Outside Circles Literature Circles Jigsaw Socratic Seminars Turn and Talk Think Aloud Conversation Café It Says, It Means
Accountable Talk Stems… “I agree with you because.” “Where do you see that?” “How does that connect to?” “I have a different opinion.” “I also noticed.” “Do you agree?” “Is there another way to solve the problem?” “Did everyone hear that?” “I have something to add.” “What did you mean when you said?” “Say more. We can wait.” “Say more about what you mean.” “What is your evidence?” “Who can add to what was said?” “Can you repeat what_______said?” “I would like to add to that
Modeling Accountable Talk Teachers Model reading processes of predicting, looking for key words, engaging in prior knowledge, etc. Model methods of restating another person’s argument Model and provide practice at responding appropriately to criticism Model ways to support claim and evidence
Teacher Talk Moves Revoicing: “So let me see if I’ve got your thinking right. You’re saying XXX?” (with time for students to accept or reject the teacher’s formulation); Asking students to restate someone else’s reasoning : “Can you repeat what he just said in your own words?” Asking students to apply their own reasoning to someone else’s reasoning: “Do you agree or disagree and why?” Prompting students for further participation : “Would someone like to add on?” Asking students to explicate their reasoning: “Why do you think that?” or “How did you arrive at that answer?” or “Say more about that.” Challenge or Counter Example: “Is this always true?” or “Can you think of any examples that would not work?”
You can post all or some of these classroom posters to help facilitate talk.
(Yourself) (With a partner) (Whole class)
Why? Tell me more! Give an example.
Defend your reasoning against a different point of view.
How did you arrive at your answer?
Redirect a question back to the person.
Make one’s thinking public and demonstrate expert forms of reasoning through talk.
Restate and make public a person or group’s discussion and understanding.
Ensure that everyone is heard and understands what a person says.
Make explicit the relationship between a new contribution and what was said before.
Revoice a person’s contributions.
Hold everyone accountable for the accuracy, credibility, and clarity of their contributions.
Tie a current contribution back to knowledge accumulated by a person or the class at a previous time.
Press for evidence and understanding of a person’s statements.
Give extra time and space in the conversation to expand reasoning.