IHSN International Household Survey Network Strategy for the Development of Data: Improve the Availability, Accessibility, and Quality of Survey Data Mahesh Subedi ADP/ISHN Program, PARIS21 12 June th Meeting of SAARCSTAT, Kathmandu, Nepal
2 IHSN International Household Survey Network Outline: Introduction of ADP/IHSN program IHSN tools and guidelines ADP activities and achievements ADP and NSS ADP in SAARC countries ADP support
3 IHSN International Household Survey Network Organization of ADP/IHSN Microdata Management 3
4 IHSN International Household Survey Network IHSN An informal network of 21 international agencies that operates solely on the basis of voluntary contributions—in kind or in cash—from its members. A virtual Secretariat composed of members the WB Data Development Group and Paris21 Secretariat is responsible for the management and administration of the IHSN Develops standards, tools, and guidelines for document, disseminate, and preserve microdata according to international standards and best practices
5 IHSN International Household Survey Network ADP (Accelerated Data Program) Implementing body of IHSN program hosted in PARIS21 Secretariat Composed of a small core team in PARIS21 and regional experts in Africa, Asia & Pacific and LAC Uses the tools and guidelines developed by IHSN to build statistical capacity of developing countries on microdata management and dissemination
6 IHSN International Household Survey Network ADP/IHSN Mission Provide internationally harmonized technical and methodological guidelines for all stages of the survey life cycle Improve the availability, accessibility, and quality of survey data within developing countries Encourage the analysis and use of this data by national and international development decision makers, the research community, and other stakeholders Establish a central survey data catalog from multiple sources Improve collaboration between data producers and users
7 IHSN International Household Survey Network IHSN Suite of Tools 1. Nesstar Publisher Documenting and cataloging surveys and censuses in compliance with the international metadata standard (DDI and DCMI) and best practices
8 IHSN International Household Survey Network NADA is a web-based survey cataloguing application that serves as a portal for researchers to browse, search, compare, access and download relevant census and survey information including datasets. Input Tool: Editor (NEESTAR) Output Tool: Web application (NADA) Data access defined: 1.No access 2.External Repository 3.Licensed 4.Public Use 2. NADA NAtional Data Archive
9 IHSN International Household Survey Network Tools 3. SDCMicro for Microdata Anonymization Designed for protecting respondent's privacy and disclosure risk when distributing microdata SDCMicro
10 IHSN International Household Survey Network IHSN Guidelines Provides technical and methodological guidelines and best practices related to all stages of the survey life cycle: Two priorities areas Microdata dissemination policy guidelines Microdata outreach program guidelines
11 IHSN International Household Survey Network Guidelines 1. Microdata Dissemination Policy Provides technical, legal, and strategic guideline and conditions of access to microdata Aims to support data producers in designing formal data dissemination policy to unlock datasets which are currently not disseminated due to legal and ethical constraints
12 IHSN International Household Survey Network Guidelines: 2. Microdata Outreach Workshop A dissemination event that puts the producers of microdata in direct contact with the existing and potential users An integral part of a broader strategy for promoting the access and use of microdata Documentation An online National Data Archive (NADA) Dissemination A microdata access policy Promote use of data Microdata Outreach Workshop
13 IHSN International Household Survey Network ADP Results (1): 100+ agencies in 65+ countries in the world (5 in South Asia) have established an online catalog using NADA. More than 2700 surveys published in NADAs. International Household Survey Network (IHSN)
14 IHSN International Household Survey Network NADAs by Region
15 IHSN International Household Survey Network Survey disseminated in NADAs
16 IHSN International Household Survey Network ADP Results (2): Access to microdata improved through the design and adoption of national data dissemination policies in many countries ( =study-desc) =study-desc Users awareness on availability and use of microdata are promoted through NADA dissemination ceremonies and MOW in many countries (
17 IHSN International Household Survey Network Extending NADA into the National Statistical System. Distributed model of a data archive that allows different data producers to manage their collections and also determine their data access policy. Input Tool: Editor (NEESTAR) Output Tool: Web Application (NADA) Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Health National Statistics Office Ministry of Trade Collections NAtional Data Archive ADP and NSS
18 IHSN International Household Survey Network 1.Department of Census and Statistics, DCS (Ministry of Finance and Planning) 2.Ministry of Labour Relation and Manpower Annual employment survey 3.Ministry of Education Census of Government Schools 4.Ministry of Plantation Industries Cost of production of made tea per kilo 5.Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Fishing boat census 6.Ministry of Trade and Commerce Customs statistics - Administrative data 7.Ministry of Defence (Dept of police) Police road accident statistics - Administrative data 8.Ministry of public Administration and Home Affairs (Registrar General's Department) Vital statistics - Births, Deaths and Marriages - Administrative data ADP in NSS (DCS NADA as an example)
19 IHSN International Household Survey Network ADP in South Asia Afghanistan Central Statistical Organization (CSO) ADP member since National training workshops NADA with 3 surveys (currently not working) Bhutan National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) ADP member since National training workshops NADA with 7 surveys PUF: 1 Licenced: 3 Data restricted: 3 Designing a microdata dissemination policy A MOW is being organized ADP member since National training workshops NADA with 3 surveys (currently not working) Bangladesh Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS)
20 IHSN International Household Survey Network ADP in South Asia India Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) ADP member since National training workshops NADA with 124 surveys PUF: 1 Data restricted: 3 Nepal Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) ADP member since National training workshops NADA with 36 surveys Licenced: 12 Data restricted: 24
21 IHSN International Household Survey Network ADP in South Asia Sri Lanka Department of Census and Statistics (DCS) ADP member since National training workshops NADA with 384 surveys PUF: 1 Licenced: 6 Data restricted: 377 Microdata dissemination policy 1 MOW has been organized ADP has not started Maldives Pakistan
22 IHSN International Household Survey Network ADP support and Collaboration in South Asia 1.Country Level Specialized training and technical assistance for Microdata documentation NADA installation and updating Microdata anonymization Designing data dissemination policy Developing and implementing outreach and advocacy programs 2. SAARCSTAT Establish Central Data Catalogue in SAARCSTAT website Collaborate on data dissemination and management in SAARC region
23 IHSN International Household Survey Network Thank You !