National Children’s Science Congress (NCSC)
introduction Country wide NCSC Started in 1993. Has become a movement. Conceptualized, Catalyzed and Supported by National Council of Science & Technology Communication (NCSTC), Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Implemented by NCSTC-Network, a group of Govt. & Non Govt. organizations from all states.
The magnitude… Starting from 16 States in 1993, today CSC in all districts of all the states/UTs NCSC is a much sought-after children’s program in the Indian S&T calendar. Around 8 lakhs children participate every year. Since 1997, best two projects of each State participate in Indian Science Congress. Intel also has a tie-up with NCSC. ASEAN & SAARC countries are showing great interest in NCSC.
Objectives… Providing a forum to the Children (Age group 10–17 years) both from formal and non-formal school system as well as from outside of school to exhibit their creativity and innovativeness and more particularly their ability to solve a societal problem. Relating learning science with the environment around. Promoting “methods of science” and applying the same for finding solutions. Catalyzing curiosity, spirit of inquiry and inquisitiveness. Inculcation of SCIENTIFIC TEMPER.
Characteristics of ncsc project It’s a simple, practical, innovative. It’s carried out as a team-work. It involves field-based data collection, collation, analysis and representation. Are based on exploration of everyday life situations. It involves the community work. Have definite outputs, arrived through scientific methodology. Have definite follow up plans.
Areas of Research/Project Every year a focal theme is announced for the NCSC. The children are expected to carry out projects related to the focal theme and the identified subthemes. Activity guide books are available to help guide teachers and the scientists. A group of children not exceeding five can do the project with the help of scientists, school science teachers, coordinators of school science clubs, activists of science based voluntary organizations, etc.
Focal Themes of the past years… 1993 – Know your Environment 1994 & 1995 – Clean up India 1996 & 1997 – India of our dreams – Let’s go for it 1998 & 1999 – Nature – Let’s conserve, share & Care 2000 & 2001 – Indigenous scientific knowledge for a better tomorrow 2002 & 2003 – Food systems towards nutrition for all 2004 & 2005 – Harness water resources for better future 2006 & 2007 - “Biodiversity’: Nurture Nature for our Future” 2008 - 2009 - “Planet Earth :Let’s Explore, Care & Share.” 2010 & 2011 - Land Resources : use for Prosperity & Save for Posterity
Evaluation Criteria of NCSC Projects Originality & relevance of the project idea Presentation Scientific understanding of the issue Data collection & analysis Experimentation/Scientific study/validation Problem solving attempt (for district level NCSC only) Problem solving attempt & follow up (for state & national level CSCs) Team work Background correction (for district level CSC only) Improvement from the previous level (for State & National level only)
Final evaluation and opportunity The best potential projects are further screened at national event by a team of evaluators. Short listed potential projects & Children involved with those projects will be given the opportunity to pursue their study in some of the designated laboratories for a specific period.
participants About 8 – 9 lakhs children participate every year in CSC starting from district level since 1993. It welcomes international participation and sharing of experience. It has records of international participation from countries like Germany, Srilanka, Bangladesh and ASEAN Countries.
Criteria of Good Projects Proper understanding and definition of the problem undertaken Quality and the Quantity of the work, including team work, learning process, subject understanding and efforts to validate the data collected. Relevance of the project to the community/school problem and impact of project on schoolmates, neighbourhood community. Originality, innovation and creativity shown to understand the problem and find solution i.e. in methodology and experiments design.
Guidelines for Teachers and Participants CSC projects are focused on use of method of science on the principals of learning through learning while attempting to solve a problem. CSC projects are neither only survey based, essay type nor do they focus on developing some working model to prove some scientific principal.
The project should have relevance to the Focal Theme and Sub themes defined for the year. The CSC projects may not succeed in finding a permanent solution to the problem, but, it is desired that the approach and methodology undertaken should follow the methods of science. They should design experiments to validate the data collected or obtained through experiments.
GUIDELINES TO PRESENT A PROJECT REPORT Written report should be typed or preferably Hand written on one side of the A-4 (8.6”x 11.7”)/ letter size (8.5”x 11”) papers. The language of the report could be English, Hindi or any scheduled ones; however in case of language other than English, it must carry a copy of abstract of 250 words in English only.
To make the cover page of the report, use Form A providing information on the topic of the project, name of team leader, other group members, guide, district and state from where they are participating (can be in Hindi or English). The report should have following in the sequence- Form A, Abstract (250 words), Introduction, Aims and objectives, Need statement, Hypothesis, Work Plan, Methodology, Observation, Data analysis, Results, Conclusion, Solution to the problem, Future Plan, Acknowledgements, References and Appendix (for laboratory tests or media reports or certificates from the authorities concerning the project).
The word limit for the written report for the lower age group (10 - <14yrs) is 2500 words and that for the upper age group (14 - <17 yrs.) is 3500 words. The written report can include limited number of photographs, sketches, illustrations and/or drawings, etc. The presentation will be of 8 minutes followed by a 2 minute interaction/ questionnaire session with evaluators and audience where the child scientist can use maximum 4 charts/ posters (55cm x 70cm) along with overhead projector/ LCD projector if required. It may be noted that computer slides cannot have additional features like animation, pop-ups, rollovers, etc. Posters should contain information on project title, names of group members, objectives, map of the area, methodology, results, conclusion, and solution to problem.
The log book is a must as a part of the written document since it is reflective of team work. This has to be submitted along with the report. The age in the specific group must be strictly followed. Every project is carried out by a team of 2 to 5 children. A child scientist can participate only once in each group as a group leader.
For more information THANK YOU