1. Think of a childhood fairytale. 2. Write a question about the fairytale as though you had assigned it as a reading in your class.
3.Review Bloom’s Taxonomy of critical thinking on the next slide and determine which level of critical thinking would be required to respond to your question. Write down the category next to your question.
1. KNOWLEDGE: recalling information 2. COMPREHENSION: understanding meaning 3. APPLICATION: using learning in new situations 4. ANALYSIS: ability to see parts & relationships 5. SYNTHESIS: Use parts to create a new whole 6. EVALUATION: judgment based on criteria Bloom’s Levels
4. In collaborative groups, share and discuss these questions. As a group, rewrite the questions to a higher Level.
Inquiry Strategies
"In the classroom, wondering should be as highly valued as knowing," F. James Rutherford and Andrew Ahlgren in “Science for All Americans”
The Big Picture Inquiry is the common thread in a student-centered classroom : Used in –Cornell notes –Tutorials –Socratic Seminars –Philosophical Chairs –Learning Logs –Critical thinking & decision-making
The Big Picture Often begins with a question Encourages students to think critically Creates the opportunity for students to problem-solve & share analyses Inquiry promotes COLLABORATION
Inquiry immediately engages students with their own thinking processes. Why Use Inquiry as a Teaching Methodology?
What results is student ownership for enlarged understanding of concepts and values. Why Use Inquiry as a Teaching Methodology?
“You can’t get students to think critically without asking critical questions” Carmen Serret-Lopez
Levels of Cognitive Thought: Two Models
1. KNOWLEDGE: recalling information 2. COMPREHENSION: understanding meaning 3. APPLICATION: using learning in new situations 4. ANALYSIS: ability to see parts & relationships 5. SYNTHESIS: Use parts to create a new whole 6. EVALUATION: judgment based on criteria Bloom’s Levels
Level 1: Gathering/Recalling Information Level 2: Making Sense of Gathered Information Level 3: Applying/Evaluating Information Costa’s Levels
Complete Count Define Describe Identify List Match Name Observe Recite Select Scan Three Story Intellect
Complete Count Define Describe Identify List Match Name Observe Recite Select Scan Compare Contrast Classify Sort Distinguish Explain (Why) Infer Sequence Analyze Synthesiz Make Analogies Reason
Complete Count Define Describe Identify List Match Name Observe Recite Select Scan Evaluate Generalize Imagine Judge Predict Speculate Infer Sequence Analyze Synthesiz Make Analogies Reason Compare Contrast Classify Sort Distinguish Explain (Why) If/Then Hypothesize Forecast Idealize Apply a Principle Three Story Intellect
Jigsaw Activity 1.Form Groups of three. These are your “home” groups. 2.Number off by 3’s. Now all 1’s sit together, all 2’s, etc. These are your “expert” groups. 3. In expert groups, read and discuss your segment. 4. Return to home groups to share your expert group discussion.
Why is this important? State and National surveys indicate that approximately 90% of the questions K-12th grade students are exposed to are lower level questions. In college this trend reverses, and students deal primarily with high level critical questions.
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