QR CODE MAGIC Sign in via QR code on table
Stands for “Quick Response” codes Instead of a long URL address that students have to type in accurately WHAT ARE “QR” CODES?
Jigsaw: print out QR codes on separate colored note cards linked to different information. Students read their part and then teach their peers. Research: Posters or cards with desired websites and sources Tickets out the door: Insert a QR code at the end of PPT notes with some quick check for understanding Q’s QR CODE IDEAS
Easy to use free website to make codes “QR STUFF”
1. Create a google form with questions you want students to answer 1. Create a google form with questions you want students to answer 2. Click “View Live Form” 2. Click “View Live Form” 3. Highlight and copy its URL 3. Highlight and copy its URL 4. Go to QR Stuff website and paste the form’s URL in 4. Go to QR Stuff website and paste the form’s URL in 5. Click “Download QR Code” 5. Click “Download QR Code” 6. Save or copy it into a Power Point presentation or handout to print out 6. Save or copy it into a Power Point presentation or handout to print out QR CODES PLAY NICELY WITH GOOGLE FORMS
Go to the form after students have answered and click on “View Responses” Can also view as graphs if you select “ TO SEE THE FORM’S RESPONSES,
Can use as assessment Collect information on first day of school Sign ups for things Other? GOOGLE DOCS FORM
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