The problem of tolerance is very popular in teaching process in our school. We have some integrated classes with students of special needs. Class IV c is one of them. There are 18 students and some of them need special treatment. During the lessons the students try to solve different tasks, collaborate in group work, the common method is drama.
The idea of preparing presentation appear on the lesson, where concepts such as tolerance, acceptance, respect for otherness would gain universal dimension. We decided that all men are like a jigsaw puzzle. One element does not mean anything, just the whole composes a beautiful picture.
The students created a mini-presentation, which consisted of stories: a) the boy moving on crutches b) evaluated hastily young people c) friends listening to different types of music d) a pupil from Africa e) sad Philip
The ideas were inspired by life, because there are a lot of such examples every day. We are different views, religion, appearance and even culinary tastes. However, the tolerance is very understanding towards different sense of otherness. Popular songs accompanied the show - calls for attention to the needs of others, drawing a helping hand, or sometimes just a kind word.
The performance made us think of the important things for us: friendship, love, selfless help. It says about combating evil around us, tolerance, respect for human freedom. The students have learned to work in a group, use their strengths and good points. A good mood and also awareness that you can also learn something while having fun accompanied the show.