Mindful Teachers- Mindful Lessons Presented by Hye Yeon Lim MEXTESOL 2014
MindfulnessMindfulness It means to pay attention in a particular way: On purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally.
Mindfulness can be used to create “meaningful” lessons.
Strategies of mindfulness can help teachers develop a dynamic learning environment with an emphasis on competency- based instruction. MindfulnessMindfulness
Mindfulness Mindfulness provides authentic communication opportunities in the classroom by transitioning practice oriented activities to production oriented activities
“We learn best when we teach others.”
Language Learning Communication Real life situations Authentic interactive communication environments
Most people do not learn a language “just to learn it” Classes that keep the language only in the classroom are less effective than those that use authentic environments.
Practice Practice makes perfect. Only good practice makes perfect.
Condition 1 Meaningful Outcomes Successful or not; concrete and measurable. Example Act out a dialogue. Create a Big Book. Create an instruction manual Create a comparative chart Creative Minds
Condition 2 Information Exchange Information Exchange among all participants Example Information gap Decision gap Opinion gap Jigsaw activities Ambiguity, uncertainty, anticipation
Condition 3 Information Manipulation Students need to figure out how to use the information that has been communicated within the group Example Worksheet vs task activity