Warm Up: sentence revision In your essay groups, select ONE sentence from each person’s personal narrative that I marked as needing improvement and discuss ways to change the sentences. Then, write revised versions of each sentence. Select one person’s original and revised sentence to share with the class. NOTE: Turn in thesis editing sheets to me.
Organize your body paragraphs Read each member’s paragraph, then decide what order they should be in the essay. Add any necessary transitions between paragraphs (think about transition strategies such as transitional words or direct reference).
Introductions and Conclusions Today you are going to become experts on what it takes to write effective introductions and conclusions. Your group will take your assigned section of the handouts and create a mini poster which each of you could present (aka teach) to your fellow classmates.
Introductions Pg. 595 on Beginnings Why bother? First four strategies for effective intros Attention grabbers and how to evaluate Five kinds of less effective introductions
Conclusions Pg. 596 on Endings Conclusion strategies Strategies to avoid Four kinds of ineffective conclusions
The Jigsaw When your group is finished with your poster, assign each member a letter: A, B, or C. The class will then be divided into three large groups: A’s, B’s and C’s. These are your presentation groups. Each group has an expert for each poster displayed on the wall.
Homework For your group essay introduction, each person writes an introduction that uses a different attention grabber. Groups will write conclusions together: choose the strategy that best suits your group’s thesis and work together.