Presented In PAB Meeting (MDM) (29 th March, 2011) By Prof. R.P.Vadhera, Nodal Officer Monitoring Institute, Mizoram University, Aizawl M Monitoring Institute
Districts Monitored Saiha DistrictLawngtlai District Period of Report 1 ST Feb to 31 ST July, ST Feb to 31 ST July, 2010 Dates of Field Visits 3 rd to 10 th July, 2010 Number of Elementary Schools Primary Schools : 114 Upper Pr. Schools : 65 Primary Schools: : 220 Upper Pr. Schools : 111 Number of Schools Covered Primary Schools : 14 Upper Pr. Schools : 10 Primary Schools :12 Upper Pr. Schools : 08
Lawngtlai District Saiha District Details Day Before the Visit On the Day of the Visit Day Before the Visit On the Day of the Visit Enrollment No. of Children Attending the School 872 (62.12%) 875 (62.32%) 1582 (89.68%) 1441 (81.69%) No. of Children Availing MDM as per Register 872 (62.12%) 875 (62.32%) 1582 (89.68%) 1441 (81.69%) No. of Children Actually Availing MDM 872 (62.12%) 875 (62.32%) 1441 (81.69%) 1441 (81.69%)
1. Regularity in Service of MDM : 90% to 95% of sample schools served hot cooked meal on regular basis (Sahia and Lawngtlai districts). 2. Regularity in Supply of Food grains: The supply of food grains for MDM was irregular in 85% of the schools that were located in remote areas. 3. Variety of Food in MDM : 85% of sample schools served a limited variety and the remaining the 15% served the same food every day (Lawngtlai district). 4. Delivery of Food Grains: None of the sample school had ever received the supply of food grains at their door step (Sahia and Lawngtlai districts).
5. Delivery of Cooking Cost: No sample schools received cooking cost for MDM in advance (Sahia and Lawngtlai districts). 6. Social Equity: No discrimination on gender or caste in cooking and serving of MDM was reported (Sahia and Lawngtlai districts). 7. Childrens Reactions: All children expressed happiness and satisfaction with the quantity and quality of MDM 8. Supplemantry Nutrition: More than 80% of sample schools did not serve micro-nutrients (Iron, folic acid, and vitamin A and de-worming medicine to children.
1. Social Category of Cooks: Almost all cooks were Schedule Tribe (Saiha &Lawngtlai districts). 2. Gender of Cooks: 85% to 92% of cooks were females (Saiha& Lawngtlai districts). 3. Number of Cooks: All sample schools had adequate number of cooks (Saiha&Lawngtlai) 4. Engagements of SHG/ Contractors: None of the sample schools have engaged SHG/ Contractors for cooking. 5. Salaries of Cooks: a)The cooks and helpers in all sample schools were paid the remuneration of Rs.1200/- and Rs.800/-respectively. However, the has been revised to Rs.1500/- from May, 2010 for both the cook as well as the helpers. b) All cooks and helpers in the sample schools reported that they do not get their remuneration on monthly basis.
1. Kitchen-sheds: Almost all sample schools have constructed and have been using these Kitchen sheds ( Lawngtlai and Saiha Districts) 2. Fuel for Cooking: 92% of sample schools in Saiha district and 100% in Lawngtlai district were dependent on firewood and the remaining 8% made use of both LPG and firewood 3. Utensils: 92% of sample schools in Saiha district and 75% in Lawngtlai district had adequate utensils for cooking and service of MDM and the remaining did not have (Saiha District). 3.Potable water : Potable water for cooking and drinking was available in 85% to 92% of sample school and the remaining did not have this facility (Saiha Distri ct).
1.State Level Officers : a) Never: Reported By 87% sample schools (Saiha district). b) Rarely: Reported By 13% sample schools (Saiha district). 2. District Level Officers : a) Never: Reported By 10% sample schools (Lawngtlai). b) Rarely: Reported By 90% sample schools (Lawngtlai). 3. Block Level Officers: a)Never : Reported By 30% schools (Lawngtlai). b) Rarely : Reported By 70%. schools (Lawngtlai). 4. Circle Level Officer : a) Regularly : Reported By 5% sample schools (Lawngtlai). b) Rarely : Reported By 90% sample schools (Lawngtlai). c) Never: Reported By 5% of sample schools (Lawngtlai).
1. Participation of Teachers: Participation of teachers, especially lady teachers was reported to be good in both districts. 2. Participation of Parents: Participation of parents in the day to day supervision and management of Cooking and service of MDM was not at all satisfactory in 96% of schools(Saiha districts) 3. Participation of VEC: Participation of VEC members in the management of MDM was reported to be: Fair : In 54% to 55% of sample schools (Saiha & Lawngtlai districts) Poor : In 30% to 46% of sample schools (Saiha & Lawngtlai districts)
1.Safety: Cooking process and storage of fuel was by and large safe in 95% of sample schools visited by MI. However, it was not so in 5% as the kitchen shed in these schools were too close to the classrooms (Lawngtlai District).. 2. Hygiene: All sample schools encouraged children to wash hands before and after MDM (Saiha & Lawngtlai District).. 3. Discipline: Children lineup in front of kitchen sheds for MDM, went back to their respective classrooms or verandah and ate the meal in an orderly manner (Saiha & Lawngtlai District)..
1.IMPACT OF MDM ON ENROLLEMENT 80% of the sample schools claimed that the introduction of MDM had improved the enrollment. 2. IMPACT OF MDM ON ATTENDANCE 95% of the sample schools reported an improvement in the attendance. 3. IMPACT OF MDM ON GENERAL WELL BEING 100%of the sample schools reported that introduction of MDM positive impact on the general well being of children.