Chapter 20 The Kingdom PROTISTA
What is a Protist?? “first organism” Classified for “what they are NOT” NOT a plant, an animal, a fungus, or a prokaryote Eukaryotes ? Have membrane bound organelles Most are unicellular BUT some are multicellular
Evolution of Protists Kingdom= Protista Where did the first protists come from?? Margulis created a hypothesis Evolved from a symbiosis of several cells Eukaryotic cells evolved from symbiotic prokaryotes ENDOSYMBIONT HYPOTHESIS
How do we classify Protists?? The way they obtain energy Heterotrophs= “Animal-like Protists” Photoautotrophs= “Plant-like Protists” External Digestion (decomposer or parasites)= “Fungus-like Protists” This classification does NOT represent their Evolutionary History
Animal Like Protists PHYLUMS Classified by the way they MOVE Zoomastigina Sarcodines Ciliophora Sporozoa
Phylum Zoomastigna “zooflagellates” Animal-like Swim using _______? Absorb food through their CELL MEMBRANES decaying organic mater Live in lakes & streams or w/in other organisms Reproduce Assexually (mitosis or cytokinesis) Some reproduce Sexually (forming gamete cells) Ie/ Trypanosomes- cause African sleeping sickness
Phylum Sarcodina “Sarcodines” Best example= AMOEBA Move using temporary projections= Pseudopods Moves by extending a pseudopod away from its body Th cytoplasm then streams into the psuedopod and the rest of the cell follows= AMOEBOID MOVEMENT Pseudopods are also used for eating Surround their food with their pseudopod and form food vacuoles Food Vacuole= small cavity in the cytoplasm that temporarily stores food. Other ie/ Foraminiferans (calcium carbonate shells) Heliozoans (spiky projections, “sun animal”)
Foraminiferans Heliozoan
Phylum Ciliophora “Ciliates” Move using ________? Found in both fresh and salt water Free living- do not exist as a parasite ie/ Paramecium
Anatomy of Paramecium Trichocysts= small structures use for defense, located on the inside of the cell membrane. 2 types of Nuclei: 1. Macronucleus= contains most of the genes that the cell needs in its day-to-day existence. Respiration, protein synthesis, and digestion 2. Micronucleus=”reserve copy” of genes Used during reproduction Gullet=indentation is which food is swept into Anal Pore= eliminates waste materials Conjugation= 2 paramecium attach and exchange genetic information.
Phylum Sporozoa Sporozoans Do not move on their own Parasitic Complex life cycles with more than 1 Host Sporozoites- Attach to a host cell, penetrate it & live within it Ie/ Plasmodium Carried by female Anopheles mosquito causes Malaria
Animal-like Protists & Disease MALARIA Infected mosquito bites a human Saliva contains sporozoites which enter the blood stream Plasmodium infect liver cells and then red blood cells Red Blood Cells burst they release Plasmodium into the blood stream Fever, chills Must control the mosquitoes that carry Malaria
Animal-like Protists & Disease African Sleeping Sickness Caused by???? Spreads by tsetse flies Trypanosomes destroy red blood cells and infect tissues Fever, chills and rashes Nerve cells Amebic Dysentery Caused by ??? Entamoeba Live in intestines and absorb food from the host Attack the walls of the intestine
Animal-like Protists & Disease Live symbiotically within other organisms Trichonympha- (zooflagellate) live within the digestive track of termites Recycle nutrients Serve as food for larger animals
1. SARCODINES - protozoan with pseudopods example: Ameba PSEUDOPODS- "FALSE FOOT" - a temporary bulge of the cell membrane that fills with cytoplasm. the organism can move and use the pseudopods to trap food CONTRACTILE VACUOLE- ( water pump) a structure that collects the extra water and then expels it from the cell Answer to QUIZ:
Ameba Movement
Ameba preying on Paramecium
Ameba Waste Disposal
PART LABEL FUNCTION A endoplasm it houses all the cells organelles B ectoplasm since in a gel state it protects the cell C contractile vacuole it expels excess water from the cell D pseudopodium plays a role in locomotion and food capture E cell membrane controls movement of substances into and out of the cell F food vacuole digests engulfed food G nucleus controls activities of the cell
2) CILIATES - protists with cilia example: paramecium CILIA - hair-like projections from cells that move in a wavelike pattern used to move obtain food and sense the environment Micronucleus - small nucleus that control reproduction Macronucleus - larger nucleus that controls every day tasks of the cell BINARY FISSION - a type of asexual reproduction organism divides CONJUGATION - sexual reproduction the paramecia join and exchange genetic material.
Paramecium Movement
Different Types of Ciliates
http://www. micrographia. com/specbiol/protis/cili/cili0100/parmov01
digest food and takes around cell MACRONUCLEUS controls reproduction FOOD VACUOLE digest food and takes around cell MACRONUCLEUS controls reproduction PELLICLE gives shape CONTRACTILE VACUOLE pumps water out of cell CILIA hair like structures that move back and forth MICRONUCLEUS GULLET opening collects food like a mouth TRICHOCYSTS stinging cells that paralyze prey ANAL PORE opening to remove wastes
FLAGELLA - long whip like structures used to help movement 3. ZOOFLAGELLATES - use flagella to move most have 1-8 long whip-like structures FLAGELLA - long whip like structures used to help movement symbiosis - a close relationship where at least one of the species benefits mutualism - both partners benefit from living together Trypanosomes- cause African sleeping sickness 4. SPOROZOANS - all are parasites that feed on the cells and body fluids of their host example : PLASMODIUM causes malaria has two host a mosquito and a person causes high fevers that alternate with severe chills, symptoms can last weeks and reappear a few months later
Phylum Movement Characteristics Nutrition Zoom-astigina Sarcodina Reproduction Free Living/ Symbiont Example Zoom-astigina Sarcodina Ciliophora Sporozoa
Plant Like Protists PHYLUMS Typically called “Algae” 7 major Phyla of algae classified for their cellular characteristics Unicellular vs Multicellular Unicellular Euglenophyta Chrysophyta Bacillariophyta (DIATOMS) Pyrrophyta (DINOFLAGELLATES)
Chlorophyll and Accessory Pigments Chlorophyll and Accessory pigments capture light Groups of algae adapted different forms of chlorophyl Chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b & chlorophyll c Absorb different wavelengths of light Good bc now algae can use more energy of sunlight. Accessory pigments absorb light at different wavelengths than chlorophyll.
Phylum Euglenophyta “Euglenophytes” Closely related to animal-like flagellates ?? 2 flagella Emerge from the gullet Longer one spins and pulls the organism rapidly through the water No cell wall Ie/ Euglenas
Structure of Euglena Live in lakes & ponds Eyespot= cluster of red pigment, helps to find sunlight Can live as heterotrophs. Absorb nutrients from decaying matter Do NOT have cell walls but they have a… PELLICLE= intricate cell wall Ribbon like ridges supported by microtubules Tough and flexible Reproduce assexually
Phylum Bacillariophyta Phylum Chrysophyta Chrysophytes “golden plants” Yellow green algae & golden-brown Chloroplast= bright yellow pigment Some have cell walls with PECTIN Unlike others whose cell walls contain ???? Phylum Bacillariophyta ******“DIATOMS” Most abundant and beautiful organisms Thin, delicate cell walls rich in Silicon
Phylum Pyrrophyta *****“Dinoflagellates” Flagella ½ are photosynthetic & other ½ are heterotrophic Asexual reproduction “fire plants” Luminescent give off light when agitated in water Dinoflagellates
Euglena & Dinoflagellates
Ecology of Unicellular ALGAE Common in both fresh and salt water Food for organisms Phytoplankton= photosynthetic portion of the plankton located on the surface of the ocean Carries out about ½ of the photosynthesis that occurs on Earth “Red Tide”- bloom of dinoflagellates Produce toxins and become concentrated in filter-feeders
REVIEW: What do chlorophyll and Accessory Pigments do in Algae? What are the 4 Phyla of unicellular plant-like protists? How do most unicellular Algae get food? What is the role of unicellular algae in the environment? Allow algae to harvest and use the energy from sunlight Euglenophyta, Chrysophyta, Diatoms, Dinoflagellates Use energy from sunlight to produce food. They are at the base of aquatic food chains- make up phytoplankton
Multicellular Algae Red, Brown and Green Algae Most are Multicellular They differ in their photosynthetic pigments People use Algae and the chemicals produced by Algae in different ways: Chemicals= treat stomach ulcers, High blood pressure, and arthritis Have you ever eaten Algae??? Used to make plastic, deodorant, and agar
Multicellular Algae Red Algae= chlorophyll a and reddish accessory pigments Can live at great depths bc they absorb blue wavelngths Green, purple &reddish-black Coral ecosystems Brown Algae= Chlorophyll a & c & brown accessory pigments Largest and most complex Green Algae= Chlorophyll a & b Share many characteristics with plants
Fungus-like Protists Heterotrophic Absorb nutrients from dead or decaying organic matter. Some cause plant disease Lack Chitin walls Slime Molds (play the key role in recycling organic matter) Cellular & Acellular Water Molds (thrive on dead/decaying organic matter in water).