Carbohydrates Fats Proteins Fibre Vitamins Vitamins(detailed) Minerals Minerals(detailed)
Carbohydrates Main provider of energy Two different types simple (sugars – fast energy) complex (starches – slow energy) Sources: Grains, Noodles, Candy, Fruits, Veggies, etc. Produce glycogen, excess turns to fat Unrefined grains also give fibre (for digesting)
Fats Provides quick bursts energy Helps absorb vitamins Keeps body warm + helps cells work 3 Types of Fat Unsaturated (good fat: gives energy) Saturated (medium fat: mild heart disease) Trans (bad fat: severe heart disease) Sources: oils, dairy, meats, baked goods, etc. Good amount/day = 30%
Protein Grows muscles, skin, & organs Repairs broken cells and builds new ones In body except bile and pee 2 types of Protein Complete (all amino acids) Incomplete (some amino acids) Sources: Meats, veggies, fruits, beans, dairy, etc. Soybeans= only plant complete protein Incomplete= complete when eaten with missing acids
Fibre Helps digestion, feels full when eaten Lowers blood cholesterol + risk of disease 2 types Water soluble fibre (dissolves in water) Insoluble fibre (doesn’t dissolve in water) Sources: Whole-grains, almonds, artichokes, apples etc. Carbs + Fibre diet= awesome (no calories) slows sugar absorption, regulates insulin level
Vitamins Do various actions, depending on the vitamin Not produce by body, found in food 2 major types: Fat soluble (stay longer) Water soluble (leave body faster (through pee)) Some common vitamins: A,B,C,D, and E Sources: veggies, fruits, meats(detailed next slide) Some fat soluble vitamins stay 6 months!
Vitamins(detailed) Common vitamins A~E A (see better at night + color vision) B (easier metabolism, makes red blood cells) C (prevents cell decay, resist infection, heal wounds) D (helps form bones, absorb calcium easier) E (like B+C + protects lungs from polluted air) Sources: A: orange fruits and veggies, leafy greens, etc. B: whole wheat, leafy greens, seafood, dairy, etc. C: fruits with sour sweet taste (citrus fruits), etc. D: milk, fish, liver, etc. E: whole grains, sardines, leafy greens
Minerals Keeps healthy body, some similar to vitamins Forms muscles, bones, nerve connections, etc. 2 Types Macro minerals (body needs many) Trace minerals (body needs little) Also not produced by body Some macro minerals: calcium, sulphur, sodium Some trace minerals: iron, copper, zinc
Minerals(detailed) Some common ones: Calcium (strengthens bones) Sodium (regulates fluids + blood pressure) Iron (with copper, makes red blood vessels) Copper (helps nerves, bones,) Potassium (muscle activity, carb “processing”)
Water Body= 60% water Moves fluids around body (+wastes) 2 Types Salt water (not drinkable) Fresh water (drinkable) Sources: fruits, veggies, lakes, etc… Hydrates body, keeps cells working
Bibliography / 7/k.D734/Healthy_living__Dietary_fats_oils_and__cholestero l.htm