PS300: Research Methods
Correlational Research Happiness study conducted by Pew Research Center o Family income o Political party affiliation o Church attendance o Marital Status o Other Factors Conclusions Reflection Reminders for Unit 6 Assignments
Correlation o 2 things (variables) that go hand in hand or related (correlated) o Can make predictions about variables o Can not assume or infer cause of variables (that one thing leads to the other)
Correlation coefficient-direction and strength of coefficient. o Direction can be either positive or negative Positive correlation-values for one measure increases as values for other measure also increases Negative correlation-values for one measure increases the value for other measure decreases Correlation coefficient can range from value of 0.0 to 1.00 ( indicates perfect positive correlation, indicates perfect negative correlation) Perfect correlation=predictions with absolute confidence
Race and Ethnicity – For non-Hispanic Whites family income correlated to being happy – For Blacks there is no correlation between income and happiness Age and Gender – No difference in gender, age varied slightly (middle aged or old happier than young) Work, Education, Health, Geography, Miscellaneous – Healthier people and better educated happier
Using multiple regression analysis isolated each factor with happiness while controlling other factors Being in good health ultimately predicts happiness Single children with minor children significantly unhappy Education, gender, race not statistically significant effect on happiness Having a pet or not does not significantly impact happiness
Do you agree with these findings? Why? How have these types of findings been inaccurately reported by the news media? How has this changed your views of the many research reports that you hear about daily? Does the lack of a significant correlation between two variables mean there is no relationship or association? What else could be happening?
Unit 6 project-find an actual research study from credible source to apply what you learned about correlational research methods Submit to Unit 6 project dropbox as Word document formatted in proper APA Respond to both discussions and make sure to support your primary response with at least 1 source Respond to at least 2 classmates for each discussion board. (try to do more than 2 if you can and provide substantive responses)
Pew Research Center (2006 February 13). Are we Happy yet? Retrieved from we-happy-yet Keith, T.Z., Reimers, T.M., Fehrmann, P.G., Pottebaum, S.M., & Aubrey, L.W. (1986). Parental Involvement, homework, and TV Time: Direct and indirect effects on High School achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 78, Zechmeister, J.S., Zechmeister, E.B., & Shaughnessy, J.J. (2001). Essentials of Research Methods in Psychology. New York: McGraw Hill.