1 ICEE’2005, Gliwice, Poland Harmonizing Civil Engineering Education Stanisław Majewski Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland Outline Introduction – European Prerequisites Introduction – Recommendations of the Bologna Declaration ASCE Body of Knowledge; basic questions of the education European Projects EUCEET Core Curricula Conclusions
2 In 1988 in Bologna Magna Charta Universitatum was signed strongly emphasises Autonomy & Freedom of the University; The Declaration convened in Bologna in June 1999 recommends some harmonization as the precondition of the European Area of Higher Education; Is there any contradiction between these documents? Not at all, yet the world changes very quickly and the contemporary conditions must be taken into account. Introduction – European prerequisites Globalization, which results among others in: studying abroad global employment much easier if the curricula are similar requires readable & comparable degrees Wide survey of current European education state preceding the later Bologna Declaration revealed extreme complexity and diversity of curricular and degree structures in European countries. Do we need any harmonizing in European education? ICEE’2005, Gliwice, Poland
3 Introduction – Recommendations of the Bologna Declaration Summarizing: In Europe some harmonising is necessary, as it facilitates students’ exchange and global employment; The harmonization cannot deny the idea of university autonomy and freedom emphasised by Magna Charta Universitatum; Reasonable diversity is a value of the European education and should be preserved but cannot deny some contemporary needs. adoption of a system of easily readable and comparable degrees, adoption of a system based on two cycles, undergraduate and graduate, establishment of a comparable system of credits, developing comparable criteria and methodologies of quality assurance. The Bologna Declaration determines just the prerequisites for the European Area of Higher Education: ICEE’2005, Gliwice, Poland
4 Outcomes of the education at the appropriate level of competence What should be taught ? Who should teach and learn? ICEE’2005, Gliwice, Poland KNOWLEDGE, which assures the scientific and technical competence; ATTITUDES, which assure the appropriate approach to co-workers and professional duties; How should we teach and learn? What should be taught, trained & formed ? List of Core Subjects SKILLS, which make possible the effective use of the knowledge for solving engineering problems; ASCE BoK basic questions of an education
5 European projects TUNING Educational Structures in Europe, EUCEET–European Civil Engineering Education & Training. SP1 – Studies and Recommendations on Core Curricula for Civil Engineering The answer for the question: what should be taught was given both in terms of subjects and outcomes of the education. EUCEET-TUNING Questionnaires for Academics, Graduates & Employers on generic and specific competences. ICEE’2005, Gliwice, Poland
6 Outcomes of the CE education 1.An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and other basic subjects 2.An ability to use knowledge of mechanics, applied mechanics and of other core subjects relevant to civil engineering 3.An ability to apply knowledge in a specialized area related to civil engineering 4.An ability to identify, formulate and solve civil engineering problems 5.An ability to design a system or a component to meet desired needs 6.An ability to design and conduct experiments and analyse and interpret data 7.An ability to identify research needs and necessary resources 8.An ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools, including IT, necessary for engineering practice 9.An understanding of the elements of project and construction management of common civil engineering works 10.An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility of civil engineers 11.An understanding of the interaction between technical and environmental issues and ability to design and construct environmentally friendly civil engineering works 12.An understanding of the impact of solutions for civil engineering works in a global and societal context 13.An ability to communicate effectively 14.An ability to function in multi-disciplinary teams 15.An understanding of the role of the leader and leadership principles 16.A recognition of the need for, and the ability to engage in, life-long learning ICEE’2005, Gliwice, Poland
7 ability 7 30% 70% 80% 100% recognition Outcomes v. Levels of Competence 1 Ability – capability to perform with competence; Understanding – a thorough mental grasp of a topic; Recognition – a reasonable level of familiarity with a concept; understanding % ICEE’2005, Gliwice, Poland
8 Overall assessment of a graduate ICEE’2005, Gliwice, Poland
9 Levels of Competence Required levels of competence should be FULLY reached during the study period; Due to postgraduate experience and life-long learning the EXCELENCE should be achieved. very good insufficient Levels of competence should be connected with students’ marks ICEE’2005, Gliwice, Poland
10 EUCEET – Core Subjects and Credit points Basing on the wide European survey the list of 25 Core Subjects have been determined Credits have been assigned for each of Core Subjects (58%) Professional subjects comprise 50% of credits 58%
11 Core-Curriculum – Assumptions Core-Curriculum – Assumptions Assuming: 1.Student’s workload=40 h/week, comprising 50-60% contact hours” h/week credits and 15 weeks per semester 2 credits/week. 3.From (1) and (2) we have: h/week= 2 credits/week thus 1 credit point=10-12 contact hours. 4.Additionally I have assumed that the number of hours per each subject should be the multiple of 15. Credit points represent the student’s workload Total numbers of teaching hours have been calculated with these assumptions
13 1.No doubt that the uniformity never will be the objective of the education, yet some level of compatibility can be useful or even indispensable, if we mind the globalization of employment. 2.Knowledge, skills and attitudes of a professional should be comparable irrespective to the place of his graduation. 3.Thus the compilation of the Bologna Declaration and post-Bologna process, ASCE Body of Knowledge Committee recommendations and the results of EUCEET Core-Curricula Studies can be interesting at least to establish the common module and to recognize individual distance from this module. 4.Current accomplishments of above-mentioned bodies create a good basis to start the discussion about the harmonization of study curricula. We have started this process at SUT, some our partners declare their interest in it, we kindly invite everybody who is interested in facilitating and widening his students and staff exchange. CONCLUSIONSCONCLUSIONS ICEE’2005, Gliwice, Poland
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15 ICEE’2005, Gliwice, Poland Harmonizing Study Curricula
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17 Plan studiów – liczba godzin na „rdzeń”