FP October 22, 2008eCom eGov '081 Marek Skokan 1, Tomáš Sabol 1, Marián Mach 1 Karol Furdík 2 Integration of governmental services in semantically described processes in the Access-eGov system 1)Technical University of Košice, 2)InterSoft, a.s.
October 22, 2008eCom eGov '082 Fact sheet on Access-eGov project FP „Access to e-Government Services Employing Semantic Technologies“ Duration: 1 January 2006 – 31 December 2008 Effort: 410 person-months Overall budget: EUR EC Contribution: EUR Coordinator: Technical University Kosice, SK Consortium: 11 partners, 5 countries (Slovakia, Germany, Greece, Poland, Egypt) Pilot applications: SK, PL, Germany, Egypt Home page:
October 22, 2008eCom eGov '083 Research Partners User Partners Coordinator University of Regensburg Germany German University in Cairo Egypt InterSoft, a.s. Slovakia EMAX S.A Poland e-ISOTIS Greece State Government of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany City Hall of Gliwice Poland Municipality of Michalovce Slovakia Cities on Internet Association Poland Kosice Self-Governing Region Slovakia TU Kosice, Slovakia PROJECT PARTNERS
October 22, 2008eCom eGov '084 Faced problem (As-is situation) ?
Access-eGov objective Main goal: To develop and validate a platform for composition of governmental services into complex process definitions (life events) enabling semantic interoperability of particular eGov services. October 22, 2008eCom eGov '085
October 22, 2008eCom eGov '086 Proposed solution - to be situation The user accesses Access-eGov site He obtains information of service(s) relevant for his case He understands the procedure (services in a structured workflow) and knows which institution to contact, which forms to fill, and which documents to submit He receives support to follow the procedure (Personal assitant)
Research challenges Integration and interoperability of existing services Solution: employment of semantic technologies Semantic integration - the meaning of information is made machine-readable and processed Requirement: public administrations need to annotate the semantics of the information they provide Research goals and challenges: Improve accessibility and connectivity of government services for users (ease to find the relevant services only) Simplify the usage of services for users: Creating an integrated hybrid scenario by combining relevant atomic services Providing guidance to users while implementing the scenario Provide platform, tools, and methodology that enables to transform existing services to be semantically interoperable October 22, 2008eCom eGov '087
Access-eGov outcomes Access-eGov platform It enables registration, semantic discovery and composition of PA services Annotation tool (AT) - system interface for PA users AT enables easy registration of PA services into the AeG system Personal Assistent Client (PAC) – system interface for citizens PAC assists in the process of discovery, composition and execution of relevant PA services into user scenarios Methodology and ontologies Methodology and ontologies serve to transform existing services into semantically interoperable Pilot applications 3 pilot application and 1 test lab October 22, 2008eCom eGov '088
October 22, 2008eCom eGov '089 Annotation Tool - Principles Dedicated for public administration employees, no special knowledge on semantic technologies required. Web application, JSF technology (Browser capable of javascript required). Interface is based on description of classes in WSML. Features, functionality provided: Service templates: Predefined set of the functional properties and workflow, Annotation: Specification of concrete values for non functional properties of services, User management, based on roles: Administrators, Annotators, Publishers, Viewers. Web grabbing: possibility to include and annotate a content from existing web pages.
Annotation tool October 22, 2008eCom eGov '0810 Example: List of Instances Example: Annotation of a new service
October 22, 2008eCom eGov '0811 Personal Assistant Client - Principles Dedicated for users - citizens, businesses. Provides browsing, discovery, and execution of services according to a specified life event or goal. Web application, JSF technology. Interface is dynamically created from the WSML descriptions and is customized by the user’s answers during the processing. Features, functionality provided: Navigation in the structure of life events, goals, and services, based on the customization data entered by the users. Automatic resolving of sub-goals, according to the user’s answers. Integration of traditional, electronic, and web services into a single platform. Direct invocation of web services (via standardized WS interface). Description: The client provides a textual description of the services that can not be directly invoked (i.e. traditional services).
Model of Life event in Personal Assistant Client October 22, 2008eCom eGov '0812
Model of Life event as AeG ontology October 22, 2008eCom eGov '0813
Service description in Personal Assistant Client October 22, 2008eCom eGov '0814
October 22, 2008eCom eGov '0815 Access-eGov project: Pilot applications Slovakia: Land-use planning and processing a request for a building permit. Poland: Establishing an enterprise - the process of company registration. Germany: An upgrade and field test based on the existing good practice “Zustaendigkeitsfinder” ("Responsibility Finder"), by introducing a semantic layer (securing semantic interoperability between national and local governments). Use-case: Getting married. Egypt (German University of Cairo): Usability testing from outside EU.
October 22, 2008eCom eGov '0816 Evaluation of the first trial (1) Annotation Tool Instruments used for collecting the feedback Internal testing by developers Testing by user partners Feedback from annotators during the training sessions Think-aloud session (GUC) Accessibility and usability evaluation (e-Isotis) Results in summary Use of AT was effective Using the component without training is possible Usability, efficiency and performance need to be improved Specifications for revision of AT regarding Usability Performance and efficiency Annotation of existing web contents
October 22, 2008eCom eGov '0817 Evaluation of the first trial (2) Personal Assistant Client Instruments used for collecting the feedback Internal tests of developers and user partners using TRAC (iterative tests) Think-aloud sessions (SHG) Workshop with PA‘s and IT experts (SHG) Public testing with test scripts and feedback through and interviews Online and/or internal questionnaires Accessibility and usability evaluation (e-Isotis) Results in summary Use of PAC was (mostly) effective Usability, navigation structure, and information quality need to be improved Specifications for revision of PAC regarding Information quality Navigation and structure of the services (step-by-step guide preferred) Usability, incl. leading user through the process, labels of buttons, links, and contextual help.
October 22, 2008eCom eGov '0818 Expected Benefits of Access-eGov solution Benefits for service consumers: Improved identification of services Support for accessing services User tailored service composition Combining electronic and “traditional” services Guidance through life event scenario Benefits for service providers: Easy registration of services