Partners meeting Poznan University of Economics Poland, Poznan Project „Transfer of experimental and innovative teaching methods for business education” (number PL1- LEO )
Financial rules Costs categories: Staff costs Travel & Subsistence expenses Other costs Subcontracting costs
Financial raport The following documents MUST be submitted with the Final Report: Partner’s statement concerning accepted in its institution rules on reimbursing business trips copies of Subcontracting agreements and invoices, including all Call for Tender documentation copies of all invoices, bills, receipts and agreements which costs are included in financial tables
Financial raport Accounting proofs: Staff costs staff time sheets and money transfers confirmations Travel and subsistence copies of all tickets (also boarding passes) and invoices copies of the hotel invoices copies of per diem receipts (according to the Partner’s statement concerning accepted in its institution rules on reimbursing business trips ) Subcontracting and other copies of Subcontracting agreements and invoices
Staff time sheets STAFF TIME SHEETS PARTNER: name of the partner DateName of staff member Type of activities (manager, trainer, technical, administrative) Time spent on the project Cost
Financial raport List of the accounting proofs All copies must have detailed written notes in English (might be overleaf) - what the receipt is for! Additionally the note must be signed and stamped by the person responsible for it (project manager or accountant) with notes that given copy is (za zgodność z oryginałem).
Deadlines of sending all accounting proofs Once a month by the 10th of next month – all accounting proofs for a previous month
Thank you for your attention and comments Aleksandra Gawel