THE NATIONAL INFLUENZA VACCINE SUMMIT: UPDATE Raymond A. Strikas, M.D. Immunization Services Division National Immunization Program Coordinating Center for Infectious Diseases Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Department of Health and Human Services NVAC Meeting – Washington, D.C. June 7, 2005
Summit conceived in response to delays in influenza vaccine production and distribution in 2000 Co-sponsored by AMA and CDC 1st two Summits: March and August 2001 Annual meetings Most recent meeting May 10-11, 2005 (Brief) History of the National Influenza Vaccine Summit
The Summit is... An annual meeting A concept An informal, action-oriented organization A resource
Composition of the Summit (1) Vaccine Manufacturers Vaccine Distributors Federal Agencies Professional Medical Organizations Nursing Organizations Public Health Hospitals Pharmacists
Composition of the Summit (2) Community Immunization Providers Occupational Health Providers Business Private Health Insurance and Managed Care Long-term Care Quality Improvement Organizations Consumers Advocacy Groups
Summit Working Groups (1) Community-based Vaccination Providers Occupational Vaccination Providers Payment Issues Vaccine Distribution Consumer Education
Summit Working Groups (2) Vaccine Reallocation Physicians’ Issues Communications Long-term Care Executive Committee Universal immunization (pending development)
2005 Summit Participation 60 organizations 154 individuals
THE 2005 NATIONAL INFLUENZA VACCINE SUMMIT: Themes and Recommendations
2005 Summit Themes Lack of knowledge, indifference, and/or frustration in the general public, priority persons, health care providers Stability of influenza vaccine supply Crisis planning (focus on vaccine supply and pandemic influenza)
Results of Theme Breakout Sessions – Theme I Avoid tiered or staggered vaccination recommendations If tiered recommendations necessary, open vaccination to all as soon as possible Vaccination recommendations should be clear, consistent, and clearly communicated to partners and the public Live attenuated vaccine recommendations should be clearly distinguished from those for inactivated vaccine
Results of Theme Breakout Sessions – Theme I (continued) Work towards policy changes encouraging/requiring health care worker (HCW) vaccination with professional groups, JCAHO, CMS Publish HCW vaccination rates by institution
Theme II Results/Recommendations Request vaccine pre-booking data from vaccine companies, distributors for state public health authorities Participate in federal government working group planning for
Theme II – Results/Recommendations (continued) Form Universal Immunization working group to consult with ACIP Objectives –Ensure equity –Ensure proper health infrastructure
Theme II – Results/Recommendations (continued) Universal Immunization: –Activities may include Write a “White Paper” Engage health insurers Assess –Vaccination impact –Cost effectiveness Expand vaccination season Identify, employ additional strategies for specific populations, e.g., children Increase research: better vaccines, technology for administration
Theme III Results/Recommendations Crisis: 30 million doses of vaccine available –Use antigen-sparing vaccination –Close schools, day care settings –Identify all long-term care settings (LTC), including assisted living, to facilitate vaccine delivery –Close LTC to outside visitors –Import vaccine if possible – use method other than IND
Theme III Results/Recommendations (continued) Crisis: Pandemic Influenza –Consider Summit meeting on pandemic influenza, specifically vaccine purchase, distribution, administration: –Discuss and promote an active government role in vaccine acquisition –Promote open and direct private - public sector communication and collaboration to guarantee a rapid and equitable vaccine allocation and distribution –Promote transparent allocation of vaccine based on need (priority) –Promote the development of local capacity for vaccine allocation and distribution to priority groups –Promote local leadership and active role in vaccine allocation and distribution
A Vision of the Future of the National Influenza Vaccine Summit Remains a permanent but informal organization at the national level Works year-round on the issues Flexible—can respond to contingencies Member survey to evaluate future directions for the Summit Could expand attention to broader array of adult vaccination issues