The 100 th Seminar of the Chapter MOSCOW ACM SIGMOD CHAPTER: Objectives and Activities html://
The 100 th Seminar of the Chapter Charter The Moscow ACM SIGMOD Chapter has been chartered by ACM on September 24, According to the charter, it was formed to operate under the sponsorship of the ACM, the Local Activities Board, ACM SIGMOD, and the SIG Board. The Chapter supports activities complementary to ACM SIGMOD, the ACM, and other ACM activities in Russia. The Chapter is operated exclusively for educational and scientific purposes without any related financial duties.
The 100 th Seminar of the Chapter Objectives General objectives of the Chapter are stated in the charter as: Improve scientific contacts between the Moscow (Russian) and worldwide database communities. Collect and disseminate relevant technical publications to the Moscow database and broader computer science community. Contribute to technical development through support of lectures, professional development seminars and technical briefings. Advance database technology and improve technical interchange through conferences and workshops in Russia and in the former USSR. The Moscow ACM SIGMOD Chapter is attempting to serve as a bridge with the Worldwide Database community across the new economical and organizational barriers.
The 100 th Seminar of the Chapter People The body of the Chapter is currently includes representatives of research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and of the industry, professors of the Universities and students. Officers: Leonid A. Kalinichenko (IPI RAS), Chair Sergei D. Kuznetsov (ISP RAS), Vice-chair Mikhail R. Kogalovsky (MEI RAS), Secretary
The 100 th Seminar of the Chapter Activities: Seminars Regular work of the Moscow Chapter is organized through its monthly seminar held at the Moscow State University. Seminar meetings devoted to various aspects of databases and information systems (such as object-oriented approach in databases, transaction management and workflows, efficient storage structuring, formal aspects of database theory, object design methodologies, compositional information systems development methods, deductive databases, etc.) have been organized during the Chapter’s activity. The speakers at the seminars were researchers from Russia and from abroad. The 100th Seminar Meeting we have TODAY.
The 100 th Seminar of the Chapter Activities: ADBIS Conferences The Moscow ACM SIGMOD Chapter founded the Annual Workshops "Advances in Databases and Information Systems" (ADBIS). In 1993 – 1996 these events were held as the Workshops of the Moscow in collaboration with RFBR In 1996 after series of discussions with Dr. Won Kim (the ACM SIGMOD Chair at that time) it was agreed to transform ADBIS into the East European Conference to provide a forum for the exchange of scientific achievements in DB&IS between the research communities of the Eastern Europe and the rest of the world It was agreed that ACM SIGMOD will actively support the organization of the Conference and warrant the high quality of the program. The Moscow ACM SIGMOD Chapter continue to serve as a focal point of the event.
The 100 th Seminar of the Chapter Activities: ADBIS Conferences In 1997 – 2004 eight East European ADBIS Conferences took place in St. Petersburg (Russia), Poznan (Poland), Maribor (Slovenia), Prague (Czech Republic), Vilnius (Lithuania), Bratislava (Slovakia), Dresden (Germany), Budapest (Hungary). Next conferences are planned in Estonia (2005), Greece (2006), Bulgaria (2007). The ADBIS Steering Committee includes representatives of different countries of the Eastern and Central Europe: Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine.
The 100 th Seminar of the Chapter YEARSTATUSVENUEDATESPC CO-CHAIRSPUBLICATIONCOOPERA TION ADBIS’93Kiev and Moscow SIGMOD Chapters MoscowMay 11-14, 1993 L.Kalinichenko, A. Stogny Proceedings-- ADBIS’941st. International Workshop MoscowMay 23-26, 1994 L.Kalinichenko, Y.Zhuravlev Proceedings RFBR ADBIS’952nd International Workshop MoscowJune 27-30, 1995 J.Bubenko, J.Eder, L.Kalinichenko, Y.Zhuravlev Proceedings + Springer WiC RFBR ADBIS’963rd International Workshop MoscowSeptember , 1996 B.Novikov, J.W. Schmidt Proceedings + Springer WiC SIGMOD, RFBR ADBIS’971st East-European Symposium St. Petersburg September 2 - 5, 1997 R.Manthey, V. Wolfengagen Proceedings + Springer WiC SIGMOD, RFBR ADBIS’982nd East- European Symposium PoznanSeptember 8-11, 1998 W.Litwin, G.Vossen Springer LNCSSIGMOD, KBN ADBIS’993rd East- European Symposium MariborSeptember , 1999 T.Welzer, J. Eder Springer LNCSSIGMOD, Informatika
The 100 th Seminar of the Chapter YEARSTATUSVENUEDATESPC CO-CHAIRSPUBLICATIONCOOPERA TION 2000 ADBIS- DASFAA 4th East-European Symposium PragueSeptember 5-8, 2000 B.Thalheim, J. Stuller, Y. Masunaga Springer LNCSSIGMOD, DASFAA ADBIS’ th East-European Symposium VilniusSeptember , 2001 A.Caplinskas J. Eder Springer LNCSSIGMOD ADBIS’ th East-European Conference BratislavaSeptember 8-11, 2002 Y. Manolopoulos P.Navrat Springer LNCSSIGMOD ADBIS’ th East-European Conference Dresden (co-located with VLDB) September 3-6, 2003 L.Kalinichenko, R.Manthey Springer LNCSSIGMOD ADBIS’ th East-European Conference BudapestSeptember, 2004 J.Demetrovics, G.Gottlob Springer LNCSSIGMOD ADBIS’ 2005 (planned) 9 th East-European Conference TallinnSeptember 2005 J. Eder Hele-Mai Haav Springer LNCSSIGMOD ADBIS’ 2006 (planned) 10 th East-European Conference ThessalonikiSeptember 2006 Timos Sellis Yaroslav Pokorny Springer LNCSSIGMOD
The 100 th Seminar of the Chapter Activities: RCDL Conferences The Moscow ACM SIGMOD Chapter participates also in organization of another series of All-Russian National Annual Conferences on Digital Libraries (RCDL). The conferences are supported by RFBR. Six conferences of this series took place in St. Petersburg, Protvino, Petrozavodsk, Dubna, St. Petersburg, Puscshino The seventh conference in this series is planned in October 2005 in Yaroslavl, the ancient Russian city. These conferences are open for participation of foreign specialists.
The 100 th Seminar of the Chapter Activities: Chapter’s Library Taking into account difficulties in Russia with getting access to the worldwide computer science and database research literature a Chapter’s library is collected to be available for the Moscow database and broader computer science community. During several years, ACM contributed the library with the ACM journals.
The 100 th Seminar of the Chapter Activities: Cooperation with ACM SIGMOD ADBIS Conferences are usually organized in cooperation with ACM SIGMOD. The Chapter as well as the ADBIS Steering Committee joined the ACM SIGMOD program "SIGMOD Digital Symposium Collection (DiSC)" aiming at collecting symposium Anthologies on compact discs. Concerning ADBIS, the Anthology currently includes papers accepted for ADBIS that took part during Materials of later conferences will follow as soon as the copyright issues with Springer will be resolved.
The 100 th Seminar of the Chapter Activities: SIGMOD – VLDB DB Anthology distribution for the Eastern Europe The chapter assisted a joint program established by ACM SIGMOD and VLDB foundation to distribute database literature (SIGMOD's Silver Edition and the SIGMOD 2003 DiSC on DVDs) to universities around the world, with the goal of assisting in the expansion of the database community in those countries. Using the ADBIS SC infrastructure, we collected a list of 72 libraries in Armenia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia (14 libraries), Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine have been collected and DVDs have been distributed to them by ACM.
The 100 th Seminar of the Chapter Activity: Attempts to improve contacts with ACM Recently ACM formed a strategy group that is looking at how ACM can better serve the populations outside North America - - such as Brazil, Russia, India, and China -- where there is growing interest in and development of computing, possibly with specialized publications and special access, and that ACM should be taking advantage of the growing number of SIG chapters worldwide, and the many SIG conferences based outside North America John White: “We are rethinking everything about outreach to key areas of the world”.
The 100 th Seminar of the Chapter Experience: direct joint actions with the ACM and ACM SIGMOD Cooperating with SIGMOD helped to take an important decision to transform the ADBIS conference into the East European event We were receiving very important support of the ACM SIGMOD for about 5 years since 1997 providing an ability to the ADBIS area people (like 3 – 4 persons per year) to attend the ACM SIGMOD Conference. We were supported by ACM that for several years provided ACM journals Publishing of the SIGMOD Sister Societies paper (SIGMOD Record, 2000) Preparing a draft Agreement with ACM to form ACM Russia – the Coordinating Centre for ACM Activities in Russia
The 100 th Seminar of the Chapter Experience: negative observations There are no regular contacts between SIGs and Chapters. There are no ACM provisions for such form of contacts. Any efficient SIG procedure of supporting chapters with high ranked, well known ACM professionals for giving courses of lectures, organizing seminars etc. does not exist Organization of conferences “in-cooperation with SIG” is too bureaucratic ACM with publishers agreements are not well regulated. The ACM RUSSIA idea has been discontinued by ACM without any reasonable arguments.