Fe-ConE Workshop Vilnius, Lithuania October 11th, 07 K. Kikis-Papadakis IACM/FORTH.


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Presentation transcript:

Fe-ConE Workshop Vilnius, Lithuania October 11th, 07 K. Kikis-Papadakis IACM/FORTH




5 Fe-ConE: Framework for e-learning Contents Evaluation Funded by: The eLearning Programme (Transversal Actions) Duration: Jan 1st, 2006 – Dec. 31st, 2007 Partnership: IACM/FORTH (GR), IFS (AT), DPPSS (IT), UITM (PL), Stoas (NL), Florida (ES), VDU (LT) Website: Portal site: hp?page=forumtopic&f=2&t=24 hp?page=forumtopic&f=2&t=24 Budget: 290,196 EUR

6 The Fe-ConE Workshop List of Participants A. Partners Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas, Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics - FORTH / IACM (GR) Verein fuer Neues Lehren und Lernen –IFS, Institute for Future Studies (AT) University of Rome La Sapienza, Dept. of Social and Developmental Psychology (IT) University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow - UITM (PL) Stoas Intermedia (NL) Florida Universitaria (ES) Department of Education at Vytautas Magnus University (LT)

7 The Fe-ConE Workshop List of Participants B. Collaborators B1. Discourse Facilitators  Mr. Gr. Attwell  Ms Cl. Belisle  Ms. M. Lakkala B2. Discourse Participants  Mr. M. Vanbuel, BE  Ms. N. Staevsky, BG  Ms. E. Neocleous CY  Mr. J. Bang DK  Ms. A. Villems EE  Mr. T. Johansson FI  Dr. B. Ertl DE  Mr. B. Misnevs LV  Mr. A. Gambin IT  Ms. M. Caruana Dingli MT  Mr. A. Duarte PT  Mr. T. Amon SI

8 “Learnability is a culturally bounded activity” Scope:  promotion of the elearning notion in Europe  consolidation of experiences for empowering the elearning stakeholders  design of instruments (in the form of a framework) for the e-content designer and decision making tools for the end-user

9 Axes of focus How elearning contents can be conceptualized given the transformative potentials of ICT in relation to education, training and life long learning? What are the challenges for designing elearning contents that are inclusive (i.e. bias-free, socio-culturally sensitive, pedagogically flexible, customizable, and accessible)? What may be the implications in the design, diffusion and adoption of elearning contents when taking into account the commonalities and differences in traditional and emerging learning dispositions across different European education and training systems and lifelong learning practices?


11 Research Perspectives National Cultures Perspectives Pedagogical Imperialism Perspectives

12 Project Activities Bibliographical Reviews Project Reviews Reflection Activities Discussion Forum Definition of socio-cultural variables Course Design Course Implementation Definition of Evaluation Framework Analysis of Course Related Data Articulation of Models/Frameworks Definition of an Evaluation Framework Construction of tools (diagnostic in nature)

13 Workshop Vilnius, Oct 11, 2007 Networking with Satellites and Experts

14 Aim of the Workshop Exchange of experiences on elearning and e-contents (from an evaluation point of view) Definition of Evaluation criteria for inclusive effective elearning/e-contents Enhancement of Networking

15 Country Representation Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Latvia Malta The Netherlands Poland Portugal Slovenia Spain

16 Session organization General Session The European elearning Scenery Evaluation Considerations for e- contents and Future Trends  A. Evaluation  B. Future Trends Lessons Learned from the Implementation of the Fe-ConE Contributors Dr. Kollias, Mr. Attwell, Ms. Belisle, Ms. Lakkala Ms. Villems, Ms. Caruana Dingli, Mr. Misnevs, Ms. Staevsky Ms. Marsh, Mr. Duarte, Mr. Bang, Dr. Ertl, Ms. Lazari Mr. Johansson, Mr. Amon, Mr. Gambin Ms. Helling, Mr. Pozzi, Dr. Kollias, Mr. de Leeuwe

17 Preliminary Research Findings Preliminary Evaluation perspective Evaluation of eLearning and eContents from the perspective, of 1. The Learner 2. The “Teacher” 3. The Learning environment and didactical design 4. The Content 5. The Technology 6. The Educational System and Society (derived from the review of literature, contributions from the collaborators and the Fe-ConE’s course)

18 Interaction between the evaluation perspectives - instruments - research context - results interaction of “contents” with…

19 A proposal for an Evaluation Framework Decision-management oriented approach

20 Axes of focus How elearning contents can be conceptualized given the transformative potentials of ICT in relation to education, training and life long learning? What are the challenges for designing elearning contents that are inclusive (i.e. bias-free, socio-culturally sensitive, pedagogically flexible, customizable, and accessible)? What may be the implications in the design, diffusion and adoption of elearning contents when taking into account the commonalities and differences in traditional and emerging learning dispositions across different European education and training systems and lifelong learning practices?