The EFSA Expert Database (Sérgio Potier Rodeia, Scientific Cooperation Unit) POLISH EFSA FOCAL POINT – ANNUAL EXPERTS SUMMIT 24TH April 2009, Gromada Hotel, Warsaw, Poland
The Expert Database: Background Decision for setting up a database of external scientific experts taken by EFSA and EU Member States in 04/2007; A key element in EFSA’s policy for the selection of scientific experts; The database will also be available to all EU Member States who may use it to select experts for own scientific projects.
The Expert Database: Objectives To effectively “pool” scientific excellence across Europe; To achieve a more effective and flexible response to EFSA’s increased workload; To help enhance transparency of the way in which experts are selected and invited to cooperate with EFSA; To assist Member States in their risk assessment work;
The Expert Database Disciplines EFSA is looking for experts in a wide range of disciplines… …e.g. food and feed safety, nutrition, toxicology, chemistry and animal health & welfare, plant protection & plant health; Application process: Experts are invited to fill in an on-line form and make a declaration of interests (in order to ensure their independence)
Eligibility criteria: inclusion University degree, or equivalent in one or more areas of expertise within the remit of EFSA; Relevant professional experience i.e. in risk assessment, data collection on biological or chemical hazards, as appropriate; Scientific articles in peer reviewed journals or other scientific documents / reports relevant to the expertise declared; Ability to communicate and work in at least one Community language; Completed an Annual Declaration of Interests.
Expert Database: selection When a scientific need is identified, a list of potential experts is drawn up from the expert database; Evaluation and final selection criteria are finally assessed by EFSA, leading to the identification of the most suitable candidate(s); Experts receive travel and subsistence expenses and an indemnity for their contribution to EFSA’s work.
Application forms received as of 05/04/2009: 1439 Current state-of-play Application forms received as of 05/04/2009: 1439
Applications received (05/04/2009)
Applications received (others)
How to apply to EFSA’s EDB Simply go to EFSA’s homepage: … and follow the links!!! For any questions or support: