E-Quality: Quality Implementation in an Open and Distance Learning in a Multicultural European Environment
The E-Quality Project EU Commission Socrates/Minerva programme funded project Socrates: European Community action programme in the field of education ( ) Minerva: information and communication technologies (ICT) in education Started , duration 3 years
E-Quality:Consortium The project is supported by 6 institutions from 5 European countries: The Pôle Universitaire Européen de Montpellier-Languedoc Roussillon (France), coordinator The University Montpellier 2, France; The UOC (Open University of Catalunya), Spain; The University of Tampere, Finland; The Technical University of Szceczin, Poland; The University of Applied Sciences Switzerland (Haute Ecole Valaisanne Spécialisée); The University of Lausanne, Switzerland. The external evaluation is lead by the Belgian company ATiT. The public project website:
Objectives: improving quality in ODL Conduct a comparative analysis in the quality of Open and Distance Learning in participating countries Create a model of quality process in ODL acknowledging cultural special characteristics Produce documents and tools for quality work Prepare training materials on the quality in ODL Give training on quality issues for personnel working with the ODL in participating institutions Evaluate the training given Disseminate the results of the project
E-Quality: Project outcomes Comparative analysis on quality in ODL in five countries Description of the essential processes, i.e. learning material design and production: student support Necessary data for a quality process chart including preliminary list of quality criteria and their indicators eLup –editor beta version (eLearning Unified Process) Best Practices Database Training material design and production Moving into the training phase Evaluation of the impact of training forthcoming
Objectives for the training To understand the concept of ODL and its special characteristics with implications on quality To understands the concept of student-centeredness To understands the nature of student's lifecycle at local institution based on own experience and to situate own role/roles into context of the lifecycle To distinguish different sub processes in the local student's lifecycle
Objectives for the training To be able to situate oneself in institutional, national and European levels of quality issue To understands the impact of cultural characteristics on quality in ODL To have an improved awareness on quality issues and their importance in the context of own work To identify and to act according to the particular roles and the included activities and tools
Objectives for the training To be able to identify and to adapt best practices and to be aware of blocking factors in one’s own institutional setting. To be able to merge quality aspects into learning material design and production. To be able to merge quality aspect into student’s support. To understand all the required roles and their relations in implementation of a good quality learning event. To be able to evaluate the quality of any learning event.