WHAT IS ZONTA? Zonta is the only international service organization focused on advancing the political, economic, social and educational status of women worldwide. Zontians work throughout the world to address the needs of women at all socio/economic levels. These needs include basic health, education, welfare and human rights as well as working to enhance women's skills to advance in business and professions in addition to enriching their personal lives. THIS SOUNDS GREAT!! HOW DO I GET INVOLVED? Zonta Club of Fort Worth invites you to join us and become part of an exciting group of women in business and professions with a mission of advancing the status of women. To apply, visit the Membership page of our website ( or complete the information below and either give to a Zonta member, to or mail Zonta Club of Fort Worth PO Box Fort Worth, TX NAME:__________________________________ ADDRESS:_______________________________ _________________________________________ PHONE:_________________________________ _________________________________ PROFESSIONAL TITLE:___________________________________ COMPANY:______________________________ We look forward to having you join this wonderful and rewarding organization! WHAT IS REQUIRED OF ME AS A MEMBER? All ZCFW members participate in service projects, fundraising and/or committees. This can take many forms with varying degrees of time commitment Members give as little as 2 hours to as much as 20 hours a month, depending on their available time, talents and interest levels. ZCFW encourages Zontians to attend socials (ZINGs) and dinner meetings regularly. Monthly meetings are held at Shula’s Grill, Downtown Sheraton Hotel on the second Thursday of every month from 6pm – 8pm, and socials are held quarterly. The calendar is posted on our website, Meetings allow us to conduct business that involves the entire club, network with each other and learn about issues that affect our mission. Socials are held quarterly and are designed for networking and fun! Many members apply their professional talents to Zonta committee work. In this case Zonta can be like work...but with added satisfaction of giving of yourself, doing good for others and making or strengthening friendships with others who share your interests. Some members prefer to contribute in ways that take them totally away from their professional lives. Regardless, working in Zonta becomes a worthwhile and gratifying diversion from the demands of daily work life.
OUR MISSION: The members of Zonta Club of Fort Worth are committed to the support and well-being of our community, our club, and ourselves by improving the status of women and children and upholding the Objects of Zonta International, which are to: Improve the legal, political, economic, health, educational and professional status of women at the global and local level through service and advocacy; Work for the advancement, understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of executives in business and the professions; Promote justice and universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; Be united internationally to foster high ethical standards, implement service programs, and provide mutual support and fellowship for members who serve their communities, their nations and the world. WHO BENEFITS FROM OUR WORK? Zonta Club of Fort Worth was organized in 1927 and has dedicated more than 85 years to advancing the status of women in our community. 67% of the money from our fundraisers support our local service projects, such as: Hands-on service & advocacy projects; Donations to local organizations; College scholarships to high school girls, female heads-of-household returning to school & women pursing degrees in Business; Professional Woman of the Year; Christmas party for girls from a local children’s home. For more information, visit: 33% of the funds raised go to Zonta International Foundation, who's major international service projects are: Amelia Earhart Fellowship : $10,000 grants for women pursuing doctoral study in the aero-space sciences; Jane M Klausman Women in Business Scholarship; Young Women in Public Affairs Award; Zonta International Service Violence Against Women (ZISVAW): addressing violence against women; UN International Service Fund: addressing the health, education and welfare of women worldwide. HOW DOES ZONTA CLUB OF FORT WORTH RAISE FUNDS? Zonta Club of Fort Worth holds an annual fundraiser, Boots ‘n Bling, to honor other local organizations who are also advancing the status of women. These events are designed to be fun, to raise public awareness of Zonta and provide funds for scholarships, local donations and service projects. WHO ARE ZONTA'S MEMBERS? Members of Zonta are executives, professionals and others in a decision- making capacity who are willing to make the commitment to work to support our mission. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF ZONTA MEMBERSHIP? As a member of Zonta, you have the opportunity to make a contribution to local and international service projects that improve not only the status of women in our community but on an international level as well. You will become acquainted with like-minded men and women in your community and will be able to establish a network of business contacts. You will have the opportunity to learn and improve your leadership skills and in the process you will have fun!