Top Ten Ways to Engage Local Businesses in Disaster Preparedness Activities Scott Cave Atlantic Business Continuity Services March 5, 2014
Partner with Chambers of Commerce and/or Economic Development Organizations #1 Benefits Chamber Benefits Community Provides administrative support Portal to business community
Chamber of Commerce Examples Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce Formed a BCP Council Chamber Members volunteered to join Organized 14 workshops and seminars from 2006 – 2012 Partnered with local agencies (DHEC, County, State) Developed Speaker’s Bureau to present at local events Engaged larger community (CARRI, ESF-24, NetGuard)
Chamber of Commerce Examples Continued Greater Summerville Chamber of Commerce Did not form a committee but focused on topic Held annual workshops and seminars for past three years Completed internal Business Continuity Plan Partnered with local agencies (County)
Develop Professional Network #2 Identify business continuity professionals Identify related professional associations Engage these individuals and groups Use their knowledge and experience
Find Storytellers #3 Personal accounts or experiences Lessons learned Will inspire and motivate others to act More than just nameless statistics
Create Speaker’s Bureau #4 Deliver the preparedness message Professional associations and groups Give them the reasons Lead into workshops and other resources
Hold Workshops #5 Tell them how to prepare Use personal stories Advertise through professional groups Free resources available
Workshop Lessons Learned Both free and paid workshops have been well attended Shorter events (morning or half-day) are better Food = people in seats Overlap with other events when there is a larger audience for a broader topic Qualify all speakers in advance to ensure they can deliver a message with value that is interesting to audience Time events to leverage media coverage (e.g., June 1) Develop relationships to best advertise events Deliver value to the attendees so they will promote
Integrate with Emergency Mgmt. #6 Connect Business Continuity with EOC Private-Public Partnership Businesses need to know local gov’t response Builds community-wide resiliency
Publicize through Media #7 Traditional newspapers, radio, TV Social media Utility bill inserts Become the source for business preparedness
Promote through Business Licenses #8 Inserts in license renewals Information in new license applications Discounts for Business Continuity Plan???
Promote through Fire Inspections #9 Item on Fire Chief’s checklist Hand out brochures, flyers, etc. Provide information on events
Track Your Progress #10 Survey the business community Measure % of businesses with a plan Track over time for improvements
Questions? Scott Cave, CBCP Principal Atlantic Business Continuity Services (843)