Implementation of Road Maps to promote dissemination of IP knowledge in universities in Europe Giovanna Oddo European Patent Academy Unit Manager Academia and IP Reserach “IP Universities” BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY, Istanbul 16 to 18 May 2012
Main facts Part of a Europe-wide project to raise IP awareness and improve IP education Origin: following March 2006 workshop on “How to integrate patent-related IP teaching in universities” with representatives of EPO Academy, NPOs, universities and TTOs Organisation of 14 roving workshops covering 19 EPO member states Following discussions at roving workshops, establishment of a "road map", i.e. a plan for universities including –Stock taking of current IP teaching in universities –Identification of needs resulting in specific activities with timetable Implementation started in 2009 for most of the Road Maps Currently 14 Road Maps covering 16 member states
Problems encountered Economic crisis slowing down the implementation Outcome of 1st Progress Conference in 2010: –severe budget cuts –lack of leadership Solution Appointment by EPO together with respective NPOs of 13 « Road Map Coordinators » (RMCs) in the first quarter of 2011 for 18 months Result Road Map Steering Committees set up in all countries All Road Maps revised in autumn 2011 Annual Progress Conference in October 2011 showed clear progress in the implementation Implementation
Some of the progresses achieved Integration of IP in university curricula - set up of bachelor, master and specialisation courses, some compulsory e.g. Poland, Italy (Bologna PhD students -> 2000) On-line platform on IP teaching e.g. Belgium Enhanced awareness on IP through workshops e.g. Bulgaria, Turkey, CZ Compilation & publication on IP e.g. list of IP teaching materials Creation of national IP working groups e.g. Latvia
Some of the progresses achieved (2) Creation of IP network including IP coordinators, IP teachers, IP « Chairs » at universities e.g. Latvia, Spain Translation of PTK into national language and training of university staff, e.g. Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkey, Czech Republic Patent Appointment System, Turkey Elaboration of a « Code of Good Practice concerning IP knowledge in universities », Romania
Additional EPO support provided EPO IP teaching material –Patent Teaching Kit –online tutorial –IP Course Design Manual « Train the Trainer » workshops on how to lecture with this material Provision of IP or EPO expertise upon request Launch of IP Awareness campaign in 4 pilot countries, Rumania, Turkey, Spain and Czech Republic (on-going) Assistance in setting up of EIPTN portals, incl. National portals (on-going)
Future of the Road Map project? to be discussed at next Road Map Progress Conference at the EPO in Vienna on 5-6 July 2012
Thank you for your attention! Questions? Information? Ms Giovanna Oddo European Patent Academy Unit Manager Academia and IP Research +49 (0)