compete by excellence compete by excellence compete by Ivaylo Gueorguiev Program Manager European Software Institute - Center Bulgaria/eastern Europe RCI Quality Program
compete by excellence compete by excellence compete by ChallengeApproach Low degree of Process Improvement (PI) benefits awareness on national and regional level. ESI BG/RCI developed cluster type of projects performed by multiple stakeholders as public-private partnership initiatives known as ICT Competitiveness Pyramid. Most companies in the SEE region are small or medium sized and can not easily allocate expert resources for PI. Providing measurable roadmap to multiple-model PI implementation through IT Mark (ESI) service. IT Mark includes assessment based on CMMI, ISO and Business Management. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are not able to allocate financial resources and initiate comprehensive PI programs. Co-funding from business support programs for increased competitiveness of SMEs clusters, step by step approach to ensure intermediate business benefits and stronger commitment from the sponsors (USAID/RCI, USAID/CEED, GTZ, EBRD/BAS, WB…). Fragmented region with limited PI implementation experience, lower visibility of the ICT/SW industry brand and capacity By implementing the ICT competitiveness pyramid, even the smallest SMEs receive an opportunity to collaborate, participate and benefit from the regional brand (SEE IT). Challenges to SMEs for implementation of ICT Standards and models ICT Competitiveness Pyramid model is designed by ESI Center Bulgaria/Eastern Europe with the support of USAID/RCI project
compete by excellence compete by excellence compete by PROCESSES Perspective The competitiveness is BASED on good processes “The quality of a product is largely determined by the quality of the process that is used to develop and maintain it.” Based on TQM principles as taught by Shewhart, Juran, Deming and Humphrey. PROCESS Heroic effort Mature software business TYPICAL! Unprecedented system PRODUCT Bad Good
compete by excellence compete by excellence compete by Business Typical customer Micro & Small SME Large-E 2-3 weeks, 2 assessors 7-8 days, 2 assessors (L2) 3 days, 1 assessor Level 2 Class C 10 2 Interview Level 2 Class B 10 2 Doc. Review PI – CMMISecurity ISO InfoSec Snapshot Level 3 Class B ITMark Structure
compete by excellence compete by excellence compete by CMMI (SEI/CMU) – reference model de facto industrial standard CMMI DEV, CMMI ACQ, CMMI SVC Process unpredictable, poorly controlled and reactive Process characterized for projects and is often reactive Process characterized for the organization and is proactive Process measured and controlled Focus on process improvement Quantitatively Managed Performed Managed Optimizing Defined Requirements flow in. A product is (sometimes) produced by some amorphous process. The product flows out and (we hope) works. Requirements flow in. Plans are developed in accordance with policies. Activities are performed in accordance with plans. Measurements and reviews occur at defined points. The product flows out and (usually) works Commonality among projects allows more uniform estimation of performance. Use of statistical and other quantitative techniques in managing the processes and results Measurably increased process capabilities
compete by excellence compete by excellence compete by Results: Summary Increased competitiveness –Increased clients satisfaction –Improved market exposure –More effective and efficient operations –Reduced “time to market” –Increased quality of the products and services Strengthen cooperation between the companies within the cluster
compete by excellence compete by excellence compete by Results: Indicators How much did your company’s competitiveness increase due to the CMMI/ITMark implementation program? How much did the CMMI/IT Mark implementation program Influence on the client satisfaction? How much did the CMMI/IT Mark implementation program influence on the time to market reduction?
compete by excellence compete by excellence compete by ICT Competitiveness Pyramid IMPROVEMENT READINESS JOINT CAPACITY SUSTAINABILITY
compete by excellence compete by excellence compete by CAPACITY: AWARENESS & TRAINING training: 1,034 from 306 companies (1-3 days, CMMI, ITMark); 11 professors/ 7 Universities trained, subject introduced awareness: 313 participants from 190 companies (PI, IT standards) PI implementation capacity: 721 professionals from 138 companies Countries: > 13 Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Armenia, Moldova, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Croatia, Ukraine More than 90% of them declared that they will use the knowledge gained in their work PI INITIATION & HIGHER COMPEITIVENESS practical knowledge: 344 participants from 27 companies attended 55 practical PI implementation workshops and appraisals PI Initiation: 22 IT Mark certifiedcompanies from Armenia, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Moldova (20 more in progress - Western Balkans, Moldova) 31 companies launched official Process Improvement programs Method: ITMark appraisal (CMMI, information security - ISO 27001, business maturity – 10square) Participating companies reported increased competitiveness, larger projects, new customers, new markets ICT LEADERSHIP achieved: CMMI - 3 companies from Bulgaria with CMMI ML 2 & ML3 (another 4 in Romania performed by other organizations) ITMark Premium/Elite : 4 companies from Bulgaria, Macedonia on the way: 6 companies from Armenia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Serbia at advanced stage CREATED NATIONAL CAPACITY & AWARENESS READINESS FOR REGIONAL “COOPETITION” IMPROVED REGIONAL CAPACITY AND BRAND Competitiveness Pyramid ( ): Clustering companies and countries
compete by excellence compete by excellence compete by It’s your decision! Can ICT Standards do for you what it’s done for others?
compete by excellence compete by excellence compete by QUESTIONS?
compete by excellence compete by excellence compete by Thank you for your attention!