Terence Freedman NDAD Contract / Project Manager 13Sep07 KIDMM: Preservation of Datasets The Presenter’s View
KIDMM 17Sep07 Where do we start? Documents Records Datasets
KIDMM 17Sep07 Background A new problem arose with the advent of digital data Beyond paper to magnetic and other digital records Threat of decay and loss more immediate than on paper Possible to Improve access by indexing Opportunity to improve access through the WWW Optimisation of preservation through common processes Access management and security
KIDMM 17Sep07
KIDMM 17Sep07 History of NDAD 1996 Digital Preservation in the UK 1997CRDA Contract 1998ULCC appointed to run CRDA Contract CRDA service named NDAD 2001Digital Preservation Department set up Contract managed by DPD from this point
KIDMM 17Sep07 Main Considerations 1.Ownership / Copyright / Provenance / Audit trail 2.Collection of materials and facts for metadata / finding aids 3.Preservation of original material 4.Checking what has been gathered / released 5.Standardisation 6.Back-up and conversion of copy 7.Cataloguing / Fixity / Indexing 8.Technical Watch 9.Signal surety 10.Security
KIDMM 17Sep07 Legal Considerations 1.Public Records Act, 1958 and Copyright, Designs and Patents Act Data Protection Act 1984, 1998 and Freedom of Information Act 2000 – BIP Practical Guide
KIDMM 17Sep07 The Process Acquisition Accession Preservation Access Reporting
KIDMM 17Sep07 Acquisition of Datasets from OGDs Negotiation with DROs Obtaining the born-digital dataset and metadata Ensuring completeness and consistency Transporting the dataset and metadata securely Establishing Open status Establishing Copyright
KIDMM 17Sep07 Accession Checking Resolution Copying original to current media Cataloguing Metadata analysis Data conversion for standardisation Identifying closed data and flagging it Closure and Redaction Loading data
KIDMM 17Sep07 Preservation Fixity Checking Backing-up Media migration Physical Security Access security
KIDMM 17Sep07 Preservation Fixity Checking Backing-up Media migration Physical Security Access security
KIDMM 17Sep07 Preservation Fixity Checking Backing-up Media migration Physical Security Access security
KIDMM 17Sep07 Preservation Fixity Checking Backing-up Media migration Physical Security Access security
KIDMM 17Sep07 Preservation Fixity Checking Backing-up Media migration Physical Security Access security
KIDMM 17Sep07 Preservation Fixity Checking Backing-up Media migration Physical Security Access security
KIDMM 17Sep07 Standards Physical Security Electronic Security Closure Encoding Data and Metadata Management Cataloguing Retrieval Presentation Legal Quality
KIDMM 17Sep07 Standards ISO / B PD Effective Records Management 2.ISO Understanding, implementing and using Metadata 3.BS 4783 Storage, Transportation and Maintenance of Media 4.DISC PD 0010 Principles of good practice for data management 5.BS 7768, DISC PD 0008 Maintenance of records to be used as evidence 6.BIP 0009 Legal Admissibility 7.DISC PD : International code of practice for electronic documents and e-commerce transactions as legally admissible evidence:
KIDMM 17Sep07 Standards e-GMS e-Government metadata standard version 3.1 –e-GMF e-Government metadata framework, –e-GIF e-Government interoperability framework version 6.1 –TNA Redaction Toolkit 2004: : guidelines for the editing of exempt information from documents prior to release –ISO Environmental Issues –BS 5454 Storage and exhibition of archival documents –ISO / ISO Code of Practice for Security –ISO Security Requirements
KIDMM 17Sep07 Standards MoReq Model requirements for the management of electronic records –BS EN ISO : Quality Management Systems requirements –BS : Guide to the accommodation and operating environment for information technology (IT) equipment –TNA Generic Requirements for Sustaining Electronic Information over Time nationalarchives.gov.uk/electronicrecords/reqs_sustain.htm
KIDMM 17Sep07 Security Redaction Back-up Off-site storage Recovery procedures Access rights
KIDMM 17Sep07 Browsing NDAD or type ‘NDAD’ into Google TM
KIDMM 17Sep07 Thank you! Any questions?