Funded by the 7 th Framework Programme of the European Union The CHOICE project Strengthening Chinese Collaboration on ICT R&D with Europe Dr T J Owens Coordinator of CHOICE Departmental Director Teaching and Learning Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Brunel University London United Kingdom
CHOICE Project - outline FP7 Support Action Project – in order to Strengthening Chinese Collaboration on ICT R&D with Europe From 01 January 2014 to 31 December 2015 EU contribution of EUR 735,000 Grant agreement # Strengthening EU-China collaboration on ICT research
The CHOICE Consortium Participant no.Participant organisation name Part. short name Country 1 - CoordinatorBrunel UniversityBRUNELUK 2 – PartnerSigma OrionisSIGMAFrance 3 – Partner Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação SPIPortugal 4 – Partner Torch High Technology Industry Development Centre TORCHChina 5 – Partner China Academy of Telecommunication Research CATRChina 6 – PartnerEU Project Innovation CentreEUPICChina Grant agreement # Strengthening EU-China collaboration on ICT research
Presentation title | Date – Location Name | Organisation 4 1) Identifying obstacles to reciprocity and encouraging a more balanced relationship with China based on reciprocity o especially supporting European nationals, companies and organisations willing to access Chinese research programmes; 2) Highlighting and showcasing both EU and Chinese excellence in ICT R&D 3) Strengthening EU-China industrial ICT R&D cooperation o also with the view of preparing the ground for new upcoming rules governing EU-China ICT R&D cooperation under Horizon 2020 (H2020). In CHOICE emphasis is placed on:
CHOICE outcomes highlighted on CORDIS news: Key tools and services An online database that provides a:online database List of EU Member States/Associated Countries (MS/AC) projects and other relevant EU projects List of partners from EU MS/AC projects and other relevant EU projects Mapping of Chinese industrial associations to ETPs, PPPs, and EU industrial associations An “Ask and Expert” tool and two E-books:Ask and Expert An info package on Chinese ICT R&D research funding programmes and other initiatives/projects A handbook which presents the mechanisms and structures in China to support the development of Chinese regulations and standards for emerging ICT technologies. Grant agreement # Strengthening EU-China collaboration on ICT research
CHOICE outcomes highlighted on CORDIS news: Concrete collaboration and partnerships Ten cases of EU-China ICT Research and Development and Innovation (R&D&I) collaboration resulted from a European Trip 2014 which was partly supported by the CHOICE. o They span almost purely commercial links to cooperation in fundamental research and include partners from France, Belgium, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Germany.’ As a result of a business-to-business matchmaking event organised by CHOICE in October 2014 in Chengdu, China, cooperation agreements have already been reached on areas from IT solutions to multimodality software design for medical systems. Grant agreement # Strengthening EU-China collaboration on ICT research
Looking forward: the final six months of the project The focus will be on completing a roadmap accompanied by an action plan towards a strengthened EU-China ICT R&D cooperation strategy for EU-China research cooperation beyond FP7. The current draft is available from the project website as deliverable D1.1. The roadmap and its accompanying action plan are more than 80% complete. They are targeted directly at EU stakeholders in EU-China ICT R&D including industry, research institutes and universities, and the European Commission. In addition the project will run one more workshop and an event in Europe. Grant agreement # Strengthening EU-China collaboration on ICT research
Motivation for this 2 nd CHOICE workshop in China From both the Chinese and European perspectives ICT R&D excellence cannot exist in isolation from excellence in innovation o In this context this means innovation in design, processes and organisational models in manufacturing and services. This workshop seeks to identify opportunities to begin processes leading to innovation in ICT through EU-China collaboration: o It will promote the identification of such opportunities by highlighting through presentations examples of what potentially could be done in Industry IoT. o A report on the workshop will be available on the project website soon after the workshop. Grant agreement # Strengthening EU-China collaboration on ICT research
CHOICE event in Lisbon The final CHOICE event will take place in Lisbon as part of ICT 2015 from 19 October to 22 October through a dedicated booth and a networking session at ICT 2015 (TBC). The intention is for the core of event on 19 October to include: o Working groups on IoT; Immersive and interactive media; Industry 4.0; Smart Cities; 5G o Panel discussions on EU-China collaboration roadmap and opportunities (Based on the CHOICE action plan) You are all warmly invited to attend. Grant agreement # Strengthening EU-China collaboration on ICT research
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