Health and Consumers Health and Consumers Premysl Fryda, KST, Prague, CZ Brussels, September National Action Plan – CZECH REPUBLIC 9th Meeting of National Competent Authorities for Organ donation & transplantation European Commission Directorate-General for Health & Consumers Unit D4 - Substances of Human Origin Team
Health and Consumers Health and Consumers Czech Republic: facts and figures Population 10.5 million 7 transplant centers (2 multi-organ) Transplant programmes: kidney, heart, lungs, liver, pancreas Deceased donors: 20.6 pmp (2014) Living donors: 7.7 pmp (2014) Kidney waiting list: GDP: US$ per capita Big Mac index: 3,6 US$ (- 22%)
Health and Consumers Health and Consumers Statistics: Hearts
Health and Consumers Health and Consumers Statistics: Kidney
Health and Consumers Health and Consumers The EC Action Plan Communicated Dec Main Challenges: - Increasing organ availability - Efficiency and accessibility - Quality and safety 10 Priority Actions Mid-term review
Health and Consumers Health and Consumers The EC Action Plan Communicated Dec Main Challenges: - Increasing organ availability - Efficiency and accessibility - Quality and safety 10 Priority Actions Mid-term review The Czech National Action Plan Approved by the Govt. May Specific Areas: - National Donor Program - Legislation - International cooperation 14 Key Elements Regular annual evaluation
Health and Consumers Health and Consumers Priority action 1: promote the role of transplant donor coordinators Cooperation with the Ministry, health insurance, medical associations, patients societies Job description of „donor consultants“ prepared (DC) Health insurance DC codes approved Rules for DC´s remuneration formulated During , 208 physicians and hospital officials trained in total The Parliament turned down proposal for DC´s in all hospitals Part-time DC approx. in 1/3 hospitals Potential donors being indicated from „new“ hospitals
Health and Consumers Health and Consumers 8 Priority action 2: Promote Quality Improvement Programmes Quality and safety (QaS) standards prepared and maintained ISO 9001 or national equivalent in all transplant centers KST preparing General Working Procedures for transplant centers System for reporting/evaluation SAR/E introduced KST + MoH auditing transplant centers
Health and Consumers Health and Consumers 9 Priority Action 3: Exchange of best practices on living donation programmes; Support registers of living donors Regular monthly meetings of TC coordinators and KST Project MODE – exchange of best practices (Portugal) Financial incentives: lost income refund for living donors income tax statement deduction for living donors National Register of Donors Automatically linked with the police register (deceased) Increase of living donors from 17 (2010) to 83 (2013)
Health and Consumers Health and Consumers 10 Priority Action 4: Improve the knowledge and communication skills of health professionals and patient support groups Training courses for health professionals KST publishing official statements on hot issues KST publishing info newsletter TV, radio, newspaper, journal interviews KST having organized a concert and a holly mess for organ donors
Health and Consumers Health and Consumers 11 Priority Action 5: Facilitate the identification of organ donors across Europe Legislative regulations for non-residents on WL Procurement from foreign deceased donors possible SOP for identification of donor, relatives Analysing cross border organ exchange conditions (COORENOR) Preparing the FOEDUS IT portal and mobile application
Health and Consumers Health and Consumers Priority Action 6: Enhancing the organisational models in the EU MS Utilization of marginal donors (mean donor age in 2013 – 51 years) Donors age group 60+ (mean age - 68) Healt Insurance covering pulsatile perfusion Ex Vivo Lungs Perfusion, Heart Mate MODE project – exchanging best practices
Health and Consumers Health and Consumers 13 Priority Action 7: Promote EU-wide agreements on aspects of transplant medicine KST agreements with PL, IT, HU, ETI KST observer in SAT Active participation in ETN, BSA, DOPKI, EOEO, EUROCET, IRODAT, SOHO, MODE, COORENOR, FOEDUS, ACCORD... WP leader in EU projects
Health and Consumers Health and Consumers 14 Priority Action 8: Facilitate the interchange of organs between national authorities Enhanced participation in international projects Analysing conditions for international organ exchange (COORENOR) Launching 1.0 version of IT Portal Upgrading the IT Portal (FOEDUS): OREXIS – Organ Exchange Information System ETMA – European Transplant Mobile Application EUROTIP – European Transplant Information Portal
Health and Consumers Health and Consumers 15 Priority Action 9: Evaluation of post-transplant results Follow-up in each transplant center : Within 2 weeks after release of a recipient Regularly – annual Reported to the Czech Transplant Society All performed transplantations registered in the National Register Follow-up recently audited in two biggest transplant centers by an international auditing team (ACCORD) - OK
Health and Consumers Health and Consumers 16 Priority Action 10: Promote a common accreditation system for organ donation/procurement and transplantation programmes 6 KST coordinators passed international TPM courses 5 KST coordinators on study visits to NTO´s in IT, SP, SLO, PT KST audited by international auditors (ACCORD) 3 specialists passed training course for international transplant auditors KST regularly audited ISO 9001, ISO Czech transplant centers passed international audits (ACCORD)
Health and Consumers Health and Consumers 17 SUMMARY National Action PlanPriorityAP - PAOK National Donor Program Education of professional public1, 2 Donor consultants in all hospitals1 International certification of coordinators10 Public awareness and support4 Improving quality of TX centers1, 6 Follow-up registries9 Marginal donors6 Legislation Foreign donors5, 8 Financial incentives for donors/relatives3, 6 Management of quality2, 10 Legislative awareness1, 4 International cooperation Participating in international projects7, 8 Suppressing negative aspects7 Best practices sharing2, 3
Health and Consumers Health and Consumers
Health and Consumers Health and Consumers Thank you!