Education Programs Mid America Council Friday, April 25th, 2014 Leadership Training Session
to… Chapter Operations Education Programs 2
Today’s Agenda 1.Introductions – Facilitator and Participants 2.Education Programs: Meetings and Seminars Manuscripts Student Activities CMA Program 3.Important Dates and Deadlines 4.Questions 3
Introductions 1.Facilitator 2.Participant –Name –Chapter Affiliation –Current or Future Board Role –One Thing You Want to Learn From This Session 4
Meetings & Seminars 5
Meetings & Seminars Well-planned, interesting, and outstanding educational programs will continuously attract members and guests to meetings! A team or all-board approach to planning educational meetings works best. You can never begin planning too early! (Even before summer) Seek out program ideas from the general membership through surveys and personal contact. 6
Meetings & Seminars Considerations When Planning Educational Meetings Scheduling – consider different days of the week or different times of the day (breakfast, lunch, or dinner). Topics – Look for variety, relevance, appeal, and attractiveness. Speakers – Fit the topic, an expert in the topic, has speaking ability. Titles – Develop an appealing title for the program (work with speaker). Time – Sufficient time should be allotted for thorough presentation of the topic, along with Q & A. Evaluation – Provide a means for attendees to evaluate the topic and speaker. 7
Meetings & Seminars Considerations When Planning Educational Meetings Location –Same meeting location every month or varied? –Quality room and dining arrangements? –Reasonable price to members and guests? –What if large metropolitan area or large sparsely populated area? –Full meal vs. appetizers? Introduction of speaker by chapter president or designee. 8
Meetings & Seminars Ideas for Topics Current issues in accounting and finance Leadership topics by local personalities of interest Corporate facility tours with presentation by CFO or controller Presentation by an IMA Global representative Panel discussion on a relevant accounting topic Presentation on the CMA program to pique the interest of members Review websites of other chapters within the Mid America Council or other regions for topic/speaker ideas Ask co-workers about good speakers/topics that they heard in the past 9
Meetings & Seminars Brainstorming Ideas? What was successful at your chapter? 10
Manuscripts 11
Manuscripts Objectives Organize member writing as a concerted educational program and further development of management accounting. Advance the ability of members to communicate. Encourage members to share their opinions and experiences with fellow members. Promote the objectives of Strategic Finance by obtaining and submitting manuscripts that are publishable. The chapter should assist and recognize member authors. Promote the writing of manuscripts to all members. 12
Student Activities 13
Student Activities Objective – Develop relationships and activities with accounting/finance students at local universities/colleges and with student chapters. Maintain contact with a faculty mentor/advisor. Encourage student participation in chapter events and services. Acquire student members by promoting the benefits of IMA. Establish IMA student chapters on campus. 14
Student Activities Examples of Student Activities & Participation Presentations to classes, clubs, or student chapters – benefits of IMA, CMA certification, management accounting topics. Plant tours for students Business research projects Mock interviews for students seeking management accounting positions Donations to support IMA student chapters Chapter “Student Night” – relevant student topic, reduced meeting costs, attractive door prizes. Scholarships and awards programs 15
CMA Program 16
CMA Program Objective – To publicize and market the CMA certification program, its benefits and procedures. All chapter members should be thoroughly aware of the CMA program. Chapter officers and CMA certificate holders should be resources to those with questions about the CMA program. 17
CMA Program Opportunities to Promote the CMA Program Periodic announcements at chapter meetings Presentation of certificates at chapter meetings Articles in the monthly newsletter Coverage in the Annual Program/Roster Booklet Presentations about the CMA program Offer CMA review courses Links to the CMA program on the IMA Global website Promotional mailings to local financial executives 18
Important Dates & Deadlines 19
Important Dates & Deadlines Fiscal Year – July 1 to June 30 Chapter Competition Year – May 1 to April 30 MEF Grant Application – due last business day of August IRS Form 990/990EZ – due November 15 Annual Financial Report – due last business day of November 20
Important Dates & Deadlines Chapter Elections & Appointments – due last business day in March Various Competition Forms – due last business day in March Annual Transmittal Form – due April 30 Chapter Competition Year Ends on April 30 21
Questions 22