Practical Tips on Essay Writing “how to score that elusive 6 or 7”, or for some just to pass well.
Understand the question. Look at the command terms. Let them guide you analyse compare or contrast describe discuss evaluate examine explain explore interpret investigate justify to what extent
Plan beforehand
Organize your structure Simple Essay Outline Topic of Essay ____________________________________ Major Assertions (make as many of these as you need) 1. _____________________________________________________________ Supporting Evidence / Argument a.___________________________________________________________ b.___________________________________________________________ c.___________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________ Supporting Evidence / Argument a.___________________________________________________________ b.___________________________________________________________ c.___________________________________________________________
Paragraphs Topic sentence clearly states topic Quotes, and explanation.
Linking Words These words help you to structure your essay.. You have two hand-outs In conclusion, furthermore, Yet another, in contrast, as a result, in addition, another, for instance
Introduction Start with title of book/books, in italics, and author. Optional: Catchy opening, anecdote, startling statement, question, quotation Compulsory: Thesis statement (All major assertions + conclusion)
Find the errors I think both Victor Frankenstein and the monster are the real monsters in Frankenstein. They both end of hurting and destroying their friends like Henry Clerval, Justine and their father like Monsieur Frankenstein. In this essay I will show how they are the monsters.
Frankenstein, the gothic novel written by Mary Shelly confronts the reader with the question what the definition of a monster is. Young Victor Frankenstein creates a being, whom he calls Monster, yet …..
Conclusion Not a simple sentence Return to beginning (answer, refer to your thesis statement) da capo One step further: your thinking has changed Personal opinion; your essay is analytical, own personal response might be appropriate here
Criteria Look at the criteria, so you know where you should place your focus. These essays will be marked according to written assignment: Criterion B – E. P 41 – 42 in literature guide.
PITFALLs Informal Language This includes using the personal: I think, so we see, this leads us to believe. Remove the personal almost completely Informal expression, guys, kids, Vague words like stuff, nice Wordiness, it should be clear ( Grade 6 must understand!)
NARRATION The single most difficult aspect to avoid. Don’t retell, but analyse. This is where the PEE structure helps you. You do not have to give context. This is the single point on which most students loose marks
Present Tense Always use the present tense when you write. Frankenstein is a gothic novel.
Stylistic Problems Citing. In English we use MLA style. This means mostly that if you use only one book, only write the page number after the quote. Frankenstein foreshadows Clerval’s murder when he refuses to leave him as he fears that the monster would ”murder his companion” (167)
Double spacing Your name on every page 12 – 14 point in a decent font Paragraphing: either block or indented Title: Capitalize in correct places. Bibliography – name the book you have used to write about. Do do