History of Forest Management in U.S.
Distribution of National Forest Lands - Diversity of Forest Types in U.S. - East to West, North to South
Distribution of National Park & Monument Lands
Lower Peninsula
Upper Peninsula
Pigeon River
Ownership of Forestlands In U.S.: Private = 58% = 100 M ha (250 M A) Forest Industry = 14% = 24 M ha National Forest = 18% = 31 M ha NPS, other = 10% = 17 M ha U.S. Forest Service (USDA) 1) administer national forest lans 2) research 3) state-level cooperation * Use multiple-use approach & sustainable yield model
Sustained yield concept dependent on: Distribution of age classes Length of rotation (harvest cycle) Reason for harvest (tree species) pulpwood vs. sawlogs
Forest Products
Artificial Regeneration
Site Index: characterize quality of stand = size of tree after 50 years (100 years in some parts of U.S.) > Site index = better quality stand * Based on red oak
Even vs. Uneven Stands
Disturbance Regimes
Even-Age Management
Controversy of Clearcuts Pros = early successional habitat, quick, $$, tree-specific Cons = erosion, edge effects, aesthetics, reduce diversity
Clearcuts and National Forest Management
Patch Clearcuts
Disturbance Regimes in Forest Landscapes
Patch Clearcuts Simulating Natural Disturbance
Strip Cutting
Strip-Cutting vs. Seed Tree Cuts
Group Selection
Single-Tree Selection
Unsustainable Demand for Wood Products
Distribution of Tropical Forests
Tropical Forests Approximately 70% of life on Earth Huge diversity / small population size Approximately 50% already harvested….Amazon, Indonesia
Tropical Forests Slash-and-burn agriculture, cattle ranching, logging (teak, mahogany)
Tropical Forests Chico Mendes & rubber tappers – organize reserves for nontimber products Murdered in 1988 “At first I thought I was fighting to save rubber trees, then I thought I was fighting to save the Amazon rainforest. Now I realise I am fighting for humanity.”
Forest Certification Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) – international certification that timber harvested in ecologically, socially, and economically sound manner
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Members = foresters, timber traders, retailers, environmental groups, indigenous peoples Forest mgt certification = examine forestry operations Forest product certification = tracking the history of a wood product