School Safety
Session Objectives: Become familiar with school safety factors and early warning signs Assess school safety Discuss the role of stakeholders in safety and crisis planning Identify next steps in safety planning
Reflective Questions What does being “safe at school” mean to you? What do I do as an educator to foster students’ safety?
School Climate Factors High expectations for all students Involve families and community in meaningful ways Creating of a caring, welcoming atmosphere Emphasis on positive relationships among students and staff Treatment of students with equal respect Creation of ways for students to share their concerns Promotion of good citizenship, character education, and social and emotional competencies Identify problem areas and proactively work toward solutions * Source- A Guide to Safe Schools- US Dept. of Education
Characteristics of Safe Physical Environment Supervising access to the building and grounds Adhering to state, federal, local safety guidelines School uniform policies Arranging supervision at critical times Having adults visibly present throughout the building Prohibiting students from congregating in areas where there is likely to be rule breaking or aggressive behaviors * Source- A Guide to Safe Schools- US Dept. of Education
Group Discussion Discuss how your campus is doing related to characteristics of a safe campus. What next steps can your campus take to address these issues?
Targeted/Intensive Students & School Safety All staff play a role in supporting students Importance of understanding warning signs Collaboration & coordination with student support services
Understanding Warning Signs Warning signs are indicators- not predictors Children typically exhibit multiple warning signs over time
Early Warning Signs Social withdrawal Feelings of isolation, rejection, persecution Victim of violence Expressions of violence Uncontrolled anger Bullying behaviors Intolerance of others History of violent behavior Drug/alcohol use Gang affiliation Access to weapons * Source- Creating a Safer School (CASS)
Imminent Warning Signs Serious physical fighting with peers or family members Severe destruction of property Severe rage Suicidal behaviors Detailed threats of violence Possession/use of firearms * Source- Creating a Safer School (CASS)
Responding to Warning Signs Procedures for staff and students to report concerns Partnership with family and community agencies Make interventions available as early as possible Use sustained, multiple, coordinated interventions
Who is responsible for school safety? Administrators & SROs Department of Emergency Management (Will O’Neill) All Faculty & Staff Parents Learning Support Services Students
Crisis Planning Questions to address How often do drills take place on campus- fire, tornado, crisis? How did our school rate when the safety audit was conducted during the school year? Based on the audit, what were areas in need of improvement? Do we have a comprehensive crisis plan? Have all staff been given a copy of the plan? When? Have all staff been trained on the plan and its implementation? Have all staff been trained in early warning signs for violent behavior and is there a system for reporting concerns? Other questions we have and would like to have information about. As a team, take a few minutes to review the questions provided and develop a follow-up plan.
Climate Survey Review & Discussion Questions As a team, review your student climate survey data. How did your campus score? *I feel safe at my school *I feel safe on school property * Teachers at this school care about their students * Adults listen to students ideas and opinions * There is at least one adult at my school who I can go to if I have a problem As a team, identify what your campus is doing well as it relates to school safety. What are safety areas your team needs to focus on?