Welcome to Lakewood!
Our Vision Lakewood Elementary School’s vision is to create a community of learners that ensures success for every student and inspires lifelong learning
Lakewood’s Theme for “Soaring to New Heights”
Lakewood Vital Statistics School hours – 8:50 am – 3:05 pm Students can enter at 8:30 am Current enrollment – 552 students Recess precedes lunch, all grades Professional and supporting staff Before and after-care provider, “BAR – T”
School Attendance A student is counted for full day attendance if present for 4 hours or more of the school day (MD law) Notify the school office personnel if student is going to be absent Connect-ed message will be sent to all who do not report absences
Lakewood School Safety Procedures All visitors must sign in at the office and receive a visitor’s pass All parents must sign their child out in the main office If a child is ill, parents will sign in at the main office and meet their child All exterior doors are kept locked at all times throughout the instructional day. A Visitor’s Management System has been installed
Lakewood Safety, continued All lunch and recess monitors are trained regarding all safety procedures Safety posts are placed in the front hallway to direct all visitors to the main office All staff members wear MCPS ID badges
Arrival procedures Parents driving students to school should enter through the Lindley Terrace entrance ONLY The Glen Mill entrance is for buses ONLY Friendly reminders about carpool lane NO parking permitted along the drive of the curb of the driveway
Morning Procedures for Students Breakfast is offered from 8:30 – 8:50 am every morning All students enter through the main entrance of the school Kindergarten through Grade 2, report directly to the gym Students in grades 3-5 report to the hallway near their classroom
Dismissal Procedures Patrols are our 5 th graders Students will be dismissed at 3:05 Parents will wait outside for students Carpoolers are dismissed first Walkers are next Bus riders are last, waiting to be called by bus number Students are not permitted access to their classrooms after 3:45 pm
After School Activities Students are dismissed for ‘after school activities’ following the bus riders. All will report to the Media Center Activity sponsors will escort students to the designated activity area
Eagle Eatery Ms. Lerida Perez is the cafeteria manager Cost of a school lunch $2.50, milk is $.60 All students are assigned a “SNAP” account number Parents may deposit funds into their children’s accounts Reminders will be sent when the balance is $10.00 Peanut/Allergen free tables are designated with signs on lunch tables
Lakewood’s Discipline Expectations The three “R’s” The Lakewood Eagle pledge Ticket system
Lakewood’s Eagle Expectations All students are expected to achieve the following truths in all environments: –“I am respectful.” –“I am responsible.” –“I am ready to learn.” A copy of the discipline policy and behavior contract will be sent home for each child in the family
I pledge to make Lakewood A place to learn and grow. I am honest and kind to all I know. I am caring and respectful to all I meet. I make responsible choices each day of the week.
Back to School Night! We will have two nights to accommodate parents and teacher information Time: 7:00 – 8:30 pm Dates: Tues., Sept. 10, Grades K – 2 Wed., Sept. 11, Grades 3-5 Details will be forthcoming
Back to School Night, continued Frequently asked questions What is the homework policy? What is the teacher’s preferred form of communication? Can I volunteer in my child’s class?
Lakewood’s Website /lakewoodes/ /lakewoodes/ Check for photos and frequent updates Also read the monthly Eagles’ Perch
Specials Students will attend four / 45 minute specials each week: Art Music Physical Education Media Students will visit the Computer Lab regularly with their class
Guidance Program Alicia Gottesman, Counselor, presents guidance lessons in each class, every month Topics include positive interactions, how to confront bullying, building self – esteem Peace program is a monitor of days of safe and appropriate interactions Classes earn ‘compliments’ for positive behavior and meeting schoolwide expectations
“Q” and “A”