GEOGRAPHY a larger arc of land know as the ferities Tigris stands for the land between the river because its in between two rivers Its very sunny most of the time and gets a lot of water
FAMILY AND KIN There were a lot of widows because husband died in war Kids had to respect parents because if they didn’t the kids would get a bad punishment Parents would own slaves and clans
POLITICAL ORGANIZATION FFirst civilization it had kings, and military conflicts EEmpires broke into city's states and kingdoms TThere are 282 laws in in Mesopotamia and if you break a law you have a serious punishments
COMMUNICATION The Sumerian king list is a ancient list of kings First civilization to use writing to communicate They had a number count
ECONOMICS They had business contracts They got paid bills
TECHNOLOGY The had shields and swords and weapons They had strong tools They used smart tools
BELIEFS AND RITUALS Worshiped gods They had a moon gods They had a god who lived in the sky
EDUCATION Mesopotamian had math They measured shapes Multiplication was in math also
CREATIVE EXPRESSION Pottery art work They used clay
FOOD Famers depend on water from Tigris They had crops Settlers had food
CLOTHING Shirts made out of wool Shawls belt
SHELTER Flat roofs Brick homes village/ the first cities