HLAB meeting 25 Jan 2011 T.Gogami E05-115 experimental setup in JLab Hall C (2009)


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Presentation transcript:

HLAB meeting 25 Jan 2011 T.Gogami E experimental setup in JLab Hall C (2009)

Contents Whole analysis status Tracking status – Multiplicity – Rate – Tracking analysis outlook Event display

Whole status about analysis Kawama – Matrix Gogami – Tracking – e,e+ background Doi – Tracking – Elementary Chiba – Cherenkov counters Nagao – decay pion experiment Hirose – New TOF wall for KaOS E experiment setup in JLab Hall C (2009) e + p --> e + K + + Λ ee u u d u s s u d – p K+K+ Λ γ*γ*

Tracking status

KDC wire configuration K+K+ z y x u u’ x x’x’ v v’v’ 30° 150° 90° y x Drift chambers in HKS

Multiplicity Multiplicity is higher for heavy target KDC wire configuration K+K+ z y x u u’ x x’x’ v v’v’ CH 2, 2.0 [μA] 52 Cr, 7.6 [μA] Multiplicity distribution y x

Number of tracks Tracking efficiency is lower. Tracking eff. = 80% (Multiplicity = 5 ) TOP view KDC1 Black : hit wires Blue : selected wires Red : track Black : hit wires Blue : selected wires Red : track CH 2 52 Cr

Multiplicity for each layer TargetRun NumberBeam [μA]Multi KDC1-x Multi KDC1-x Thickness [mg/cm 2 ] CH H2OH2O Li Be B C Cr

Singles rate summary target, Run #, current Water Carbon Cr Carbon Carbon Boron Boron Lithium CH Be Cr Carbon target, Run #, current Water Carbon Cr Carbon Carbon Boron Boron Lithium CH Be Cr Carbon

Rate dependence Multiplicity : linear dependence with rate Residual : quadratic dependence with rate

e, e + background in GEANT simulation Generated particle : e + Distribution : spherical uniform Momentum : 860 – 1000 [MeV/c] Angle : 0 – 2 [mrad] 1000 events Vacuum chamber (sus304) NMR port (sus304) KDC1KDC2 e -, e +

Trying to reduce these multiplicity for tracking Optimization of e -,e + background suppression – ADC, TDC distribution – HES hodoscopes information – Pre-cut with TOF counters Optimization of cut parameters

Event display

Previous display Hit events in KDC which can make tracks could be seen. Track KDC1 KDC2 KTOF1X

HKS tracking Trans_scin Trans_dc Track Select_good_track Link_tracks H_physics Total hit in KDC Hit layer and wire Multiplicity for each layer Etc. Number of tracks x,xp,y,yp at reference plane Selected wires Layer residual, chi2 Momentum KTOF,AC,WC ntuple start data

HKS event display HKSdisp HKSdetectors KDC KDC1 KDC2 KDC_2d data ENGINE dat file

Select data EMACS start ・・・・ data start ・・・ start ・・・・ data ・・・ Select start ・・・・ data start ・・・・ data start ・・・・ data ・・・・

selectdata.sh Load selectdata.elfunctions data/selectdata.sh data/selectdata.el Emacs lisp

lisp? 知りません Emacs なら知らなくても OK 1. 今からやる事を覚えてください C-x ( 2. 何かする 3. 覚えてほしいのはここまでです C-x ) 4. 今覚えたキーボードマクロに名前を付けたいです M-x name-last-kbd-macro 5. そのマクロを Lisp コードとしてバッファに挿入してください M-x insert- kbd-macro 自動で lisp で書いてくれる ! 便利.emacs に記録すればいつでも使える

HKS event display HKSdisp HKSdetectors KDC KDC1 KDC2 KDC_2d data ENGINE dat file EMACS makedata.sh

KDC1 – KDC1.cc – KDC1.in Parameters – README.txt – Makefile – pict/ Black : hit wires Blue : Selected wires Res : Tracks KDC1 (RUN 77124) KDC2 is similar to KDC1

KDC – KDC.cc – KDC.in parameters – README.txt – Makefile – pict/

KDC_2d – KDC_2d.cc – KDC_2d.hh – KDC_2d.in parameters – README.txt – Makefile – pict/

HKSdetectors – HKSdet.cc – HKSdet.in parameters – README.txt – Makefile – pict/

Easy to get the code /home/gogami/ – makeKdisp.sh >>./makeKdisp.sh makeKdisp.sh README.txt

Select data EMACS start ・・・・ data start ・・・ start ・・・・ data ・・・ Select start ・・・・ data start ・・・・ data start ・・・・ data ・・・・

Select data EMACS start ・・・・ data start ・・・ start ・・・・ data ・・・ Select start ・・・・ data start ・・・・ data start ・・・・ data ・・・・ CH 2 (76314) Track : 26.8% 52 Cr(77124) Track : 3.6% ***_trash.dat Hit on the two chambers Required number of hit wires Tracking χ 2 ・・・


52 Cr KDC1 KDC2

Summary Whole analysis status – Doing our best ! Tracking status – Mean multiplicity is up to ~6.5 on the HKS chambers – Rate is up to ~30 [MHz] on the HKS chambers – Need optimal cut of e -,e + background Event display – Can see rough states of the tracking visually HES HKS collaboration meeting, JLab – 2011/Feb/24 ~ 2011/Feb/25 KaOS meeting, Mainz – 2011/Mar/17 JPS, Nigata – 2011/Mar/25 ~ 2011/Mar/28 予定


Residual for each target 52 Cr,77124 σ≈372 [μm] 12 C,76077 σ≈218 [μm] 10 B,76184 σ≈161 [μm] 9 Be,76607 σ≈214 [μm] 7 Li,76220 σ≈181 [μm] H 2 O,75972 σ≈337 [μm] CH 2,76314 σ≈155 [μm]

Things to do for the collaboration meeting and JPS Quality of Tracking for each target (especially for CH 2 and H 2 O) – Efficiency Real data With MC simulation – Spending time for each section in the code – Optimization of e -,e + background suppression ADC, TDC distribution HES hodoscopes information Pre-cut with TOF counters – Optimization of cut parameters – Multi-track events Matrix – Kawama-san’s code – Simple code


Tracking in HKS (pattern recognition) Make combination of hit wire belong to one space point for tracking pre tracking 1.Test point 2.Space point x y x y

pre track with space points – single hit in KTOF – multi hit in KTOF start time calculation for drift time of chambers correction (card) Pre track and See corresponding TOF counters Not enough

CH 2 target 52 Cr target Need to improve tracking code K+K+ KDC1 KDC2 KTOF1X Now developing Current analyzer cannot handle with high multiplicity data 1.input tracks in simulation ==> output file (hit wire info and so on) 2.input this file to real analyzer 3.see output tracks and compare to input tracks Simulation for HKS tracking efficiency (by D.Doi) one result of this simulation

e,e + b.g. in HKS TOP view Side view X [cm] X’ [rad] 5 × 5 [cm 2 ] HKS - D HKS - Q

HKS detectors Strangeness 2010 at KEK K + p, π + Drift chambers -KDC1,KDC2- TOF walls -2X,1Y,1X- (Plastic scintillators) Cherenkov detectors -AC,WC- Aerogel (n=1.05) Water (n=1.33) 1 [m] June 2009 in JLab Hall-C HKS trigger CP = 1X ×1Y × 2X K = WC × AC  CP × K ~18 [kHz] (8 [μA] on 52 Cr) − π+π+ K+K+ p σ ≈ 250 [μm] TOF σ ≈ 170 [ps]

Strangeness 2010 at KEK HES Detectors Drift chambers - EDC1, EDC2 - TOF walls - EH1, EH2 - (Plastic scintillators) HES D magnet HES trigger EH1 × EH2 ~2 [MHz] (8 [μA] on 52 Cr) e Time Of Flight σ ~ 300 [ps]

TargetHypernucleusThickness [mg/cm 2 ] BeamTypical rate HES/HKS/COIN [kHz] Current [μA]Total charge[C] 7 Li 7 He / 7 / Be 9 Li / 9 / B 10 Be / 1 / C 12 B / 5 / Cr 52 V / 17 / 1.8 Data summary 22 nd Indian-summer school (SNP2010) Λ Λ Λ Λ Λ E ( 2009 Aug – Nov ) TargetHypernucleusThickness [mg/cm 2 ] Beam Current[μA]Total charge[C] CH 2 Λ, Σ H2OH2OΛ, Σ 0 ~ Physics Data Calibration Data