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Presentation transcript:

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Agreements  Be present. Stay focused on meeting/task, avoid distractions ( ), attend meetings, if absent, accept work of group. Support decisions of the group.  Participate actively. Ask/answer questions, share connections, listen, do you homework and be prepared.  Invite and welcome contributions of every member. If conflict occurs, address respectfully. Assume best intentions.  Work together as a community toward our common goal of student growth and improvement.  Start (12:15) and end (3:30) on time. 2

Outcomes 3 As a group, we will:  Priority: Work to reach consensus on instructional framework selection.  Draft a timeline for TPEP work and decision making.  Begin to map out an action plan, including a communications plan.

Agenda 4 Reconnect Working agreements Decision-making process: instructional framework Timeline/action plan Communications plan Next steps

TPEP Core Principles 1. The critical importance of teacher and leadership quality 2. The professional nature of teaching and leading a school 3. The complex relationship between the system for teacher and principal evaluation and district systems and negotiations 4. The belief in professional learning as an underpinning of the new evaluation system 5. The understanding that the career continuum must be addressed in the new evaluation system 6. The system must determine the balance of “inputs or acts” and “outputs or results” 5

Changes in Teacher & Principal Evaluation Criteria Current Teacher Evaluation Criteria New Teacher Evaluation Criteria 1.Instructional skill 2.Classroom management 3.Professional preparation and scholarship 4.Effort toward improvement when needed 5.Handling of student discipline and attendant problems 6.Interest in teaching pupils 7.Knowledge of subject matter 1.Centering instruction on high expectations for student achievement 2.Demonstrating effective teaching practices 3.Recognizing individual student learning needs and developing strategies to address those needs 4.Providing clear and intentional focus on subject matter content and curriculum 5.Fostering and managing a safe, positive learning environment 6.Using multiple student data elements to modify instruction and improve student learning 7.Communicating with parents and school community 8.Exhibiting collaborative and collegial practices focus on improving instructional practice and student learning Current Principal Evaluation Criteria New Principal Evaluation Criteria 1.Knowledge of, experience in, and training in recognizing good professional performance, capabilities and development 2.School administration and management 3.School finance 4.Professional preparation and scholarship 5.Effort toward improvement when needed 6.Interest in pupils, employees, patrons and subjects taught in school 7.Leadership 8.Ability and performance of evaluation of school personnel 1.Creating a school culture that promotes the ongoing improvement of learning and teaching for students and staff 2.Providing for school safety 3.Leads development, implementation and evaluation of a data-driven plan for increasing student achievement, including the use of multiple student data elements 4.Assisting instructional staff with alignment of curriculum, instruction and assessment with state and local district learning goals 5.Monitoring, assisting, and evaluating effective instruction and assessment practices 6.Managing both staff and fiscal resources to support student achievement and legal responsibilities 7.Partnering with the school community to promote student learning 8.Demonstrating commitment to closing the achievement gap 6

Instructional Framework Decision Making Process 8

Two Basic Models of Decision Making 1. Sufficient Consensus: a meeting of the minds where every member of the group is given the opportunity to participate in the discussion and decision. Everyone may not fully like the decision but everyone is willing to support it fully. 1. Majority Rule - Half plus one decides. This facilitates the easiest and quickest decision-making. However, it can also put team unity to the test. In the event the team cannot reach sufficient consensus, this is a way to make a final decision in order to meet an absolute deadline

Sufficient consensus means that: 1. All participants contribute. 1. Differences viewed as helpful rather than as a hindrance. 1. Anyone can paraphrase an issue. 1. Everyone has an opportunity to describe his/her feelings about an interest/issue. 1. Those who continue to disagree may indicate publicly that they are willing to go along for an experimental try for a prescribed period of time. 1. All share in the final decision.

Consensus does not mean: 1. A unanimous vote. 2. Everyone’s first choice. 3. That everyone agrees, rather that enough are in favor to get the decision carried out. 4. Avoiding conflict or overcoming resistance in the short run

Proposed Consensus Definition We have arrived at consensus when all points of view have been heard, and the will of the group is evident— even to those who oppose it. 12

Important: Silence is not agreement! 3.1.6

Ways to Indicate Sufficient Consensus  Thumb System - Up is yes, down is no and sideways is either an undecided or a sign that it meets the minimum requirement; however the team should continue the discussion and/or proceed with extreme caution in the event more than one person has voted sideways.  Fist to Five System - This is a system to indicate degrees of agreement or disagreement. A hand raised with all five fingers up indicates full agreement. A fist with no fingers raises indicates complete disagreement. Less than five fingers raised indicates various degrees of agreement. If the indication is mixed, continue the discussion

Hopes Group 1  That our system will be meaningful.  That our system will be positive and support growth.  That our system leads to student growth. Group 2  Growth is positive  Professional learning  Student-focused Group 3  Positive collaboration  Quality  Professional growth 15

Concerns Group 1  That our system cannot become bureaucratic.  Short timelines, sufficient training.  Growth component is dependent on the makeup of students. Group 2  Narrow focus  missed opportunities Group 3  Student growth  Time/training  Overwhelmed by unknown and detail 16

Essential Questions Which framework will be meaningful and support student growth? Which framework will positively support professional learning, growth and collaboration? Which framework best addresses our concerns about timelines and training? Which framework best addresses our concerns about the unknown and amount of detail? 17

Process 1. Individually highlight pros and cons on your notes for CEL framework. 1. Split into four groups and discuss your notes. 1. Create chart that captures the pros and cons for the framework. 1. Repeat process for Danielson and Marzano frameworks. 18

Essential Questions Which framework will be meaningful and support student growth? Which framework will positively support professional learning, growth and collaboration? Which framework best addresses our concerns about timelines and training? Which framework best addresses our concerns about the unknown and amount of detail? 19

Proposed Consensus Definition We have arrived at consensus when all points of view have been heard, and the will of the group is evident— even to those who oppose it. 20

Timelines and Action Plan 21

RIG Work

Communication Planning 23  Which stakeholders need to be engaged this month?  What information do they need?  How will that information be communicated?

Communicating our Values “Value” is at the root of the word “evaluation.” What we evaluate needs to come from what we value as a community. Student Learning Educator Growth

Agreements  Be present. Stay focused on meeting/task, avoid distractions ( ), attend meetings, if absent, accept work of group. Support decisions of the group.  Participate actively. Ask/answer questions, share connections, listen, do you homework and be prepared.  Invite and welcome contributions of every member. If conflict occurs, address respectfully. Assume best intentions.  Work together as a community toward our common goal of student growth and improvement.  Start (12:15) and end (3:30) on time. 25

Whip Around and Plus/Delta Debrief  One word summary of the day  Take a few minutes and create at least two sticky notes for the Plus/Delta Chart on your way out.  Plus: What was a real “plus” of today’s session? What went well and should be repeated?  Delta: Where is there room for improvement and change? 26