Distance Learning Creating the Best Free Hybrid Distance Learning Class
Who should be a distance learning student? Everyone
How can we teach every student to be a distance learner? Instruction Practice Support
Distance learning in every ESL/ ABE Class Barriers? Solutions?
Credit where credit is due? Proxy hours
Levels -- Programs CASAS USA Learns CASAS 221+ SkillsTutor TABE 0-4 USA Learns TABE 4-8 SkillsTutor TABE 8+ ? EDReady? Plato? MindQuest? Khan Academy?
USA Learns Level 1 20 units in order Level 2 20 units in groups of 4 Level 3 23 units in 11 groups
USA Learns Advantages Starts at a low level, Interesting for students, good videos, includes typing answers as well as clicking. FREE Disadvantages Two front doors, students can get lost and not finish a lesson. Some discontinuity.
My Skills Tutor Advantages Covers grades 3 to 8, interesting for students, has tech support,. FREE because it’s paid by the state. Disadvantages No video, older graphics, lots of testing of ability, less teaching and explaining,
Khan Academy Advantages Covers beginning math to Algebra 2, interesting for students, has tech support,. FREE. Disadvantages Not approved for proxy hours, reports based an activity, too many variables.
EdReady Advantages Covers beginning math to Algebra 2, very interesting for students, prescriptive based on goal Disadvantages $1 per student, 3000 student minimum, Not approved for proxy hours, Not easy to qauntify
Other programs I-pathways Mindquest English for All Fee Based
Minnesota Partnership for Collaborative Curriculum