The Gender of Nouns
They are three: Masculine (brother, king), feminine (queen, aunt) and neuter (person, friend, teacher) Notes: The nouns child and baby will be neuter when the sex is not defined. Ex.:The child is alone. It is crying. The name of the animals are sometimes to denominate the sex (masculine and feminine), and sometimes to denominate the species (neuter). Ex.: Don’t touch the bull. He is furious. (denominating the sex) Look there, a mouse! It is going outside. (denominating the species) He-goat. She-goat.Male-frog. Female-frog (without generic differentiation) Ship, car, boat and plane can be considered feminine when their owners are talking about them. Ex.:- How’s your new car?- Terrific! She’s running quite well.
Feminine Formation adding –ess:
Sometimes feminine is irregular:
There are nouns that are different in masculine and feminine:
In family relations, there is different feminine:
Some neuter genders: