KEK Beam Test Results CF4 Analysis Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Philippines KEK, TUAT Tokyo Univ., Hiroshima Univ., Kogakuin Univ., Kinki Univ., Japan Saga Univ., Tsukuba Univ., Japan PhilippinesCanada MSU, Philippines, Carleton Univ.of Ottawa,Univ. de Montréal, Canada, GermanyFrance MPI, Germany, DAPNIA-CEA, Saclay, IN2P3-LAL and IPN, Orsay, France Dan Burke 20/12/05
Contents CF4 Afterpulse Analysis Typical Track w/ Afterpulse Pulse Separation (in time) Far pulses Amplitude of pulses
CF4 – AfterPulse Analysis Typical track with after-pulses continuing for entire recorded time
CF4 – AfterPulse – Pulse Separation [80 ns time bins] Separation time between individual after- pulses
CF4 – AfterPulse – Pulse Separation [80 ns time bins] Separation time between individual after- pulses [80 ns time bins]
CF4 – AfterPulse Analysis Occasional far-pulses can be seen as far away as 2-3 cm from track
CF4 - AfterPulse Time separation between first pulse and later pulses in 80ns bins First-Second First-Third First-Fourth First-Fifth
CF4 - AfterPulse Amplitude of pulses wrt time (80ns bins) with first pulse normalized to 1.0 [80 ns time bins]