Qualities of Noun Person, Number, Gender and Case
PP erson is the distinction of nouns to denote the speaker, the person or thing spoken to, or the person or thing spoken of I have … 1 st person = speaker Professor, you can … 2 nd person = spoken to Gary was a … 3 rd person = spoken about Person
Gender GG ender is the distinction of nouns with regard to their status M asculine F eminine N euter Number NN umber is that property of a noun by which it expresses one, or more than one NN ouns have two numbers, the Singular and the Plural S ingular denotes one P lural denotes more than one
Case CC ase is the state or condition of a noun with respect to the other words in a sentence EE nglish has three cases, the Nominative, Possessive and Objective A noun is in the Nominative case when: II t is used as the subject the sentence Ex. Kelly runs track for our school. WW hen used as a subject complement Ex. Katie is a sweet girl. WW hen used in direct address Ex. Please grab me a pen, Joe. WW hen used as an appositive that describes the subject Ex. Advent, the liturgical season before Christmas, is special. T he Possessive case connects possession or ownership with a noun e.g. sun’s rays, Anna’s car, women’s shoes
The Objective case is used when: the noun is used as the direct object ex. Matthew helps John the noun is used as the indirect object ex. Paul read me a book. the noun is used as the object of a preposition, ex. She lives in Providence, Rhode Island the noun is used as an appositive that describes the direct object, indirect object, or object of the preposition Ex. Matthew helps John, my best friend, with his batting. Ex. Paul read me, an ingenious sage, a book. Ex. She lives in Providence, Rhode Island, the best city ever.