Index Spiral Items # B Topics This PowerPoint will let you know the information that I expect to see on each card. REQUIRED: Each card should include the following: – Title – Topic # (that matches the Table of Contents) – Concise / most important information – Use of color/illustrations to highlight information
#20 Gender of Nouns All nouns in Spn. are masculine (M) or feminine (F) – this is called gender What is gender based on? Only thing you can look at to know the gender of a noun 100%... Look at ARTICLE first, noun ENDING second. MOST noun endings follow a pattern – we use the following acronyms to help us determine gender when we DON’T have an article. MOST nouns are masculine if they end in: L, O, S, E, R, MA, N MOST nouns are feminine if they end in: D, IÓN, Z, A Some nouns don’t follow this pattern (the acronyms) – those are gender “exception” words
#21 Gender Exception Words They are nouns that do NOT follow the usual pattern endings (the acronyms) in order to determine gender. The ending is masculine or feminine but the article is OPPOSITE of what it should be. You have no choice but to memorize them! *Only shortened version of word is opposite, regular word is normal. la televisión la fotografía – la mano (hand) – la clase (class) – el día (day) – el lápiz (pencil) – la tele (TV)* – la leche (milk) – la carne (meat) – el agua (water – singular only) – el arroz (rice) – la madre (mother) – el papá (dad) – la flor (flower) – la foto (photo)* – la mujer (woman) – la sal (salt)
#22 Adjectives Where are most descriptive adjectives placed? Give an example How it’s backward from English Common adjective endings: M / F/ Neutral Definition of adjective agreement – highlight this because it is IMPORTANT! SVINA?
#23 Definite & Indefinite Articles Write them all out – show masculine/feminine, singular/plural What do they mean? An example of how you would use them When would you use a definite vs an indefinite article?
#24 Me Gusta + Infinitive A recap from chapter 1A; we’re revisiting this because of “le gusta” When saying that we like to do something, we use an infinitive because we are NOT doing that activity, we’re just in the process of liking it. Remember: we only use infinitives when someone is not actually doing the action!