TYPES OF ADJECTIVES: 1. 1 ST /2 ND DECLENSION: laetus, -a, -um - happy 2. 3 rd DECLENSION: felix, felicis, felice – favorable audax, audacis, audace –


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Presentation transcript:

TYPES OF ADJECTIVES: 1. 1 ST /2 ND DECLENSION: laetus, -a, -um - happy 2. 3 rd DECLENSION: felix, felicis, felice – favorable audax, audacis, audace – bold IDENTIFICATION OF ADJECTIVES: Identified in the dictionary by the nominative, singular forms ex. laetus, -a, -um – happy = 1 st /2 nd declension adj.*** ex. felix, felicis, felice – favorable = 3 rd declension adj. ***NOTA BENE: GENDER of the adjective depends on the GENDER of the noun!!!! Feminine noun = 1 st decl., Masculine noun = 2 nd decl., Neuter noun = 2 nd decl. Neuter NOUN/ADJECTIVE AGREEMENT

THE RULES!!! ADJECTIVES must “agree” with the nouns they describe/modify in 3ways: oGender (masculine/feminine/neuter) oNumber (singular/plural) oCase (nom., gen., dat., acc., abl., voc.) oThe NOUN will give you all the infor. necessary to make the adjective agree with it. e.g. Make “bonus, -a, -um – good” agree with the following form of, “puella, -ae (f.) – girl” _______________puellam 1.) G – 2.) # - 3.) Case -

More Rules!!! Adjectives will NOT always have the same “endings” as the nouns they describe. e.g. Make bonus, -a, -um – good” agree with the following form of, “mercator, mercatoris (m.) – merchant” _________________mercatore 1.) G: 2.) #: 3.) Case:

PRACTICE!!!! Make the following adjectives AGREE with each noun. 1.) magnus, -a, -um – bigservus, servī (m.) – slave ______________ servorum G:____________ #: ______________ Case(s):_________ 2. alius, alia, alium – other nox, noctis (f.) – night ______________ noctēs G:____________ #: ______________ Case(s):_________ 3. novus, nova, novum – new bos, bovis (m.) – cow ______________ bovibus G:____________ #: ______________ Case(s):_________ 4. parvus, parva, parvum – smallporcus, porcī (m.) – pig ________________ porcī G:____________ #: ______________ Case(s):_________