Setting Up Groups in D2L Emily Evans, Center for Applied Linguistics January 2007 New Jersey Department of Education Developed by the Center for Applied Linguistics
Setting Up Groups in D2L 2 Objectives of this Training To learn how to group your Test Administrators records within the D2L system To learn how to view your groups grades separately from the rest of the state
Setting Up Groups in D2L 3 How and why would I create groups? As an ACCESS Test Facilitator, you have WIDA Instructor status This status gives you certain access privileges in D2L that Test Administrators (D2L students) do not have Enrolling Test Administrators Access to Gradebook functions In its default setting, your states Classlist and Gradebook will show all the students enrolled in the state course Because there could be thousands of teachers enrolled in your state, sorting by group will come in quite handy when you are verifying grades
Setting Up Groups in D2L 4 Before you get started… Alphabetize your list of people you want to group, and decide what you want to name your group (e.g., District 26, or Johnson County Public Schools, or 526) Please note: To add someone to a D2L Group, this person must already be registered in the D2L course for your state For instructions on enrolling test administrators, please see the Preparing to Conduct ACCESS for ELLs ® Testing PowerPoint presentation in this toolkit
Setting Up Groups in D2L 5 Step 1: Locate the Classlist While logged in as a WIDA Instructor/Facilitator, click on Classlist Classlist is in red text, located in the uppermost portion of the gold band where your state course title is, next to My Home
Setting Up Groups in D2L 6 Step 2: Click on Manage Groups On the first screen within Classlist, click Manage Groups The Manage Groups button is in the top middle portion of the screen MANAGE GROUPS
Setting Up Groups in D2L 7 Step 3: Locate your State Districts After clicking the Manage Groups button, you will see the Group Type There is only one Group Type for your state; it is called New Jersey School Districts Group Type is the highest level of the Groups Hierarchy in D2L and it is pre-set by WIDA for your purposes; Please note: These instructions are for adding a GROUP, not a GROUP TYPE. If you click Add Group Type, these instructions will not make sense. Click on New Jersey School Districts Our states districts
Setting Up Groups in D2L 8 Step 4: Add a Group Now you will add a group to the pre-set Group Type New Jersey School Districts Click on Add Group in the upper right hand corner of the Manage Groups box ADD GROUP
Setting Up Groups in D2L 9 Step 4: Fill in your groups information Make sure the group you are adding belongs to your states group of districts; you should see New Jersey School Districts in the Group Type field above the Group Name field Name your group, and provide a brief description; you do not need to assign a code in the Group Code field; you may leave this field blank When you are finished, click Add
Setting Up Groups in D2L 10 Step 5: Enroll people in your group After clicking Add, you will see your new group listed under the group type New Jersey School Districts Now you are ready to enroll people in your group Begin by clicking the Enroll icon (it looks like a small person) to the right of your group name ENROLL
Setting Up Groups in D2L 11 Step 5 contd: Enroll people in your group After clicking Enroll, you will see a list of all participants in your state Beneath your group name (in the right hand column) you will see a small box that you can click to place a check mark in it Group Name Enrollment check box
Setting Up Groups in D2L 12 Step 5 contd: Enroll people in your group You can scroll through the entire alphabetical list of test administrators in your state to put checkmarks in the enrollment boxes of those people in your group OR you can use the Control Find shortcut to quickly locate the next person on your list Simultaneously hold down the Control key and the F key
Setting Up Groups in D2L 13 Step 5 contd: Enroll people in your group When a Find box appears, type the last name you are looking for The screen will now jump to that name and highlight it
Setting Up Groups in D2L 14 Step 5 contd: Enroll people in your group When that persons full name appears (there may be several people with that last name), click the enrollment box to reveal a check mark
Setting Up Groups in D2L 15 Step 6: Update your group Continue to locate all the members of your group by using Control+F Click the box next to each persons name to reveal the checkmark Scroll to the bottom of the screen using the scrollbar on the right hand side of your browser window and click Update UPDATE
Setting Up Groups in D2L 16 Step 6 contd: Update your group After clicking Update, you will return to the Manage Groups screen You should now see the number of users in your group to the right of the group name Number of users in your group Your group name
Setting Up Groups in D2L 17 Step 7: View your group Now when you return to Classlist, click on the Groups tab to the right of the Staff and Students tabs You should see your group listed under New Jersey School Districts Your group name Your group members Groups tab
Setting Up Groups in D2L 18 Step 8: View your groups progress Next click on Grades in the upper right corner of your screen (make sure your browser window is maximized or the Grades button may not be displayed) Beneath the Grades List icon on the left, locate the View By drop-down menu Click the down arrow next to Users and switch to Groups View by Groups
Setting Up Groups in D2L 19 Step 8 contd: View your groups progress In the Groups view, your groups grades should now appear in a separate list from everyone else in your state If you want to add another group, return to the Classlist and repeat these steps starting on slide 6 of this presentation Your groups grades
For more information, please contact the WIDA Hotline: or World Class Instructional Design and Assessment, Center for Applied Linguistics, Metritech, Inc., Questions or Comments?